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Spanish American Who's Pro Israel and Pro America!
Hail Columbia:
--- Quote from: Tony6D2 (Americanus Ibericus Maximus) on September 21, 2006, 11:21:08 AM ---That's great! Are you on mypsace at all?
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welcome tony you are a very scholary person to have aboard and will do great.
Do not forget to sign up to youtube and comment and rate chiams videos to give him the exposure he deserves..
Dr. Dan:
--- Quote from: Tony6D2 (Americanus Ibericus Maximus) on September 19, 2006, 10:35:34 AM ---I've been following JTF since I was for ten years. I'm originally from NYC Queens Co. I am in complete awe and admiration for JTF and the cause. I only wish I had more money so I could help more.
You may think it's strange but I'm part Hispanic. My family came from Spain, Hungary and Czech and left Europe during WW2 and during Francisco Francos dictatorship in Spain. These were my Grandparents and Great Grandparents. Some were Jews but they intermarried with Gentiles. My Jewish family comes from my mother's side of the family. I myself am a Bible believing Christian.
Well like I said, they left Europe and actually went to different parts of South America like Chile, Argentina and Colombia. My parents were born in Colombia and immigrated to the United States in the 70s. I believe that it has alot to do with the fact that they were the children of European Jews and righteous Gentiles because thier culture in many ways teaches them to excel and be independant and believe in G-d. My parents are not Colombian/Hispanic in the sense that they share any ancestry with Feathered Indians or Blacks in any way. My mom and dad taught me that and that we should be proud of our White Heritage and that many Latin American countries were like the South here in America. White landowners who made the country. But now all those lands are being confiscated by Dictators and Commies such as Chavez.
Sorry I didn't mean to go all over the place with this. But my parents came to America legally, they both became citizens legally, they leared English and speak it very well now, they both had 2 and 3 jobs in the beginning so they could put me through Catholic school because they didn't believe in Public Schools especially growing up in Queens. My family never took any welfare or any assistance from the government. They taught me to love America and be patriotic. They told me from day one that I was an American because I had been born here and that I should be proud of that and take advantage of the things this country has to offer. Recently they admitted to me that they would never go back to Colombia that this is they're home. It's very very important that that comes across because it is because of them and how they raised me that I have my Pro America and Right Wing views!
I myself am pro Israel all the way. I'm also proud have Jewish blood in my veins even though I may be considered a Christian or a Gentile. I study the Bible. I study History. I have a Bachelors from Queens College in Political Science while I minored in Anthropology back in the 90s. I served in the infantry in the United States Marine Corps and served in Somalia and Djibouti Africa, ha...don't get me started on the so called "motherland," and in Afghanistan. I am a pround Combat Veteran. Right now I am in school again getting an Associates in Broadcasting and a Masters in Criminal Justice. I'm using the GI BILL. I love school and learning but I hate the Left Wing Anti Religious, Anti Jewish and Anti American atmosphere. I speak fluent Spanish, Italian and french and I am conversant in Arabic and Quranic Arabic. I've been studing all about the Quran and Islam for 10 years. It's sort of an obsession I have. I want to destroy the muslims with every molecule of my being!! I think they are evil and back stabbing! That perhaps is not a very Christian Attitude but I never said I was that good a Christian.....I believe it is definetly the smart attitude to have towards them. Maybe it's the Jew in me. LoL!
I am disgusted by the way so many White Hispanic kids and White kids in general immitate the corrupt culture of the Blacks in America. Hispanics outside of America don't really do this. I first lived in Jackson Heights in the 80s when the only Hispanics that I remember were of White descent and there were Irish and Italians and Jews among us too. And those were the good old days. Then I moved to Rosedale in south queens where it was really majority Jewish and Italians with some Irish families. You know at first they didn't like us but they took to us soon after seeing what kind of family we were. All my friends were Italians kids and Jewish kids and it was all good. But they all started moving out and by the time I was a Sophomore in High School the neighborhood became predominantly Black and changed dramatically. I left NY in 1999 after joining the Marine Corps. Since then I've lived in Kansas and South Florida. Kansas was great. My wife is a country girl from Kansas. She's descendant of Irish and English immigrants who left Boston for Oklahoma. Brave Brave beautiful people!! I love them so much and they treat me like Gold!!
Recently my mom has told me that she would like to become a more religious Jew. Growing up she didn't have that luxery because most there has always been an Anti Semetic attitude in Latin America. She is 65 now and here in America she would like to get back to the Torah.
Well that's pretty much it. Sorry this was so long! Hope to meet some good people.
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Tony, you're the best for everything that are doing and have done in your life to do good. Glad to have you amongst us and I know that I will have a lot to learn from you..thank you for your introduction.
Good for you !! TRUE Hispanics are WHITE ! We must recolonize these Wild Wetback lands in the name of the White Man and this time forgo an Anglo code of racial ethics.
One Drop instated in these Baboon territories ! We must indeed say the Conquistadors failed in that respect. They left a legacy of Degradation ! >:(
Good on you, Tony and thankyou for your service in defense of western freedom. You are NOT a 'latino' or a 'hispanic'.You are a white gentleman of european extraction like most of us. Don't let any illinformed idiot compare you to the anti-American turd world sewage washing over the US border now.
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