The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Radio Host moslems should wear GPS tracking device LOL
--- Quote from: cjd on May 12, 2007, 06:45:47 AM ---
--- Quote from: cosmokramer on May 11, 2007, 08:37:55 PM ---
here is the audio.
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I was listening to this YouTube link and I liked the talk shows host opinion however something caught my eye while I was listening but not really reading the text. This YouTube spot is against this talk show and is asking us to sign a petition against him. They are asking us to contact the radio station and sponsors to get him off the air. This man deserves a commendation for speaking out as he did against this group not reprisal.
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I found the left wing blog that posted the vid on youtube
The Left wing group that posted it has ties to anti Israel homo Justin Raimondo
Nic Brookes:
I shall research this guy more!
I am in favor of all Mohammedans being forced to wear GPS tracking devices.
I am also in favor of dropping all of the attached GPS tracking devices out of jet airliners en route over the South Pacific!
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