If one Muslim student is actually saying it, you know how many are thinking it.
That's whats nauseating. I remember when I was in university, the Jewish students would have their booth in the common areas putting out a pro-Israel message and the arab/fakestinians would have their booth with their message. You were allowed to set up tables or booths with your literature/message as long as you weren't violent or nasty towards others. It was pretty fair. There were plenty of times the arab/fakestinian students would argue with the Jewish/Israeli students and vice versa. The arabs eventually had the university ban all the booths/tables because they got violent one time and damaged the pro-Israel booth.
Anyways, one time I noticed one arab in particular was getting really uppity and in the faces of some of the Jews. They were arguing over the same old crap how what Israel is doing to the arabs is the same as what Hitler did to the Jews and that drek. This arab's friends were standing back and giving the Jews dirty looks the whole time. I step forward to listen, not instigating at the time. The angry arab and the couple of Jews he's arguing with end up basically agreeing to disagree and one of this arab's friends steps forward and makes a comment to the effect of pushing all the Jews out of Israel. Instead of getting mad, the Jews get defensive and ask why he doesn't want to "dialogue". This other arab doesn't want to hear anything. I've had enough and I say "why would you wanna dialogue with this deleted? He's a nazi who wants to kill all your people. deleted him." Instead of agreeing with me, the Jews said that wasn't true and I shouldn't say things like that because "the only way for peace is to talk to one another". I gave up after that and called them all crazy.
It's absolutely true that these arab sons and daughters of deleted are the same nazi scum who murdered 6 million Jews during the holocaust. If they had the power, they'd do the exact same thing. It's a shame that Jews haven't learned to recognize this even after the first holocaust. You learn quickly that Jews and muslims are both crazy, but in different ways.