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Ask JTF for Sunday, May 23, 2010

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Dan Ben Noah:
Shalom Chaim,

You have often said that you think certain stories in Genesis like those involving Adam and Eve are symbolic.  Does this mean you think Adam and Eve themselves were symbolic or that they existed while the stories about them were symbolic?  Also, if Adam and Eve did not exist but were only symbols, and the Torah traces their lineage down through Noah, Abraham, and eventually the Jews, at what point do the people stop being symbolic and start being real?  Thanks in advance.


Dan Ben Noah


Ben m:
dear chaim.
i have a few,well not so few! questions this week.
1) what do you think about the brazilai hospital afair?
2) can you please tell us an action story involving liberal self hating jews?
3) can you please tell us an action story involving a commie?
4) please tell us about the schvartzas in the usa.what is the difference between them and other whites?
5) what do you think about christian arabs.
6) what do you think about kurdish independence.
7) please tell us who is your opinion is worse.the fundamentalists shiites or the deceptive sunnies?
8) what do you think about the english defence league. (this is question number eighth.i don't know why when i posting it it is come up as a smiley).
9) what do you think we need to do to trolls.for example popai from the hebrew forum.
10) is uzi zalcha currently institusionalized?
11) please tell us an uzi zalcha action stroy.
12) what do you think about video games? do we need to ban them?
13) why are the shin bet pesecute us so much?
14) can you tell us please about the evil ustasa regime in croatia?
15) did the bosnian and albanians supported hitler yimach shemo vezichro?
16) what do you think is the current goal of obama in supporting neyanyahu?
17) do you thing we should ban members of shalom acshav from our forums?
18) do you think we should troll shalom acshav forums?
19) if a cahanists govenment will be with G-d's help in israel what will happen to the current politicians?
20) why they are so much self hating jews and whites? is this a punishment from G-d?
21) are this forum opposes to white nationalism? if so why?
22) king david according to the bible was a murderer and rapist.why do we honour him so much?
23) did kahane said that the future of israel is a monarchy? please explain that to me.
thank you,ben m

Shalom Chaim ha'Gaon!
Recently I got into an argument with someone who objected to my use of the word "sodomite" to describe a disgusting, nasty homosexual. I received the usual response - i.e., "it's an insensitive and offensive term, I'm a bigot, etc...". Well, I won't pander to these filthy deviants. They are sodomites, and we'll see how "sensitive" HaShem is when he roasts their souls in Gehenom in the next world.
Do you think this is an appropriate term to describe people like Pin Sulzberger, Harvey Feierstein, Isaac Mizrahi and the rest of these sick animals? Or should we use a gentler term so as nice to scare away a potentially larger audience?

Who are some of the most evil homosexuals you can think of? Can you describe the temperature of their next place of residence when they shuffle off this mortal coil?


Shalom Chaim,

I used to know someone who, in her mid 20s, decided to convert from Christianity to Judaism. She married a Jewish man, moved to Israel, and studied and lived there with her husband. For a short time she came back to the US to visit her family, and the entire time she was back she went on and on about how Christianity is an idolatrous, sinful religion and how Jesus personally was an evil, vile man who deserved his crucifixion and was responsible for untold deaths of Jews. She went on to say that she was happy that Jesus was crucified.

Now, she never had any of these ideas before, and they were obviously taught to her in Israel by religious Jews. Reading posts by certain members of the English forum (you probably can guess who I'm talking about) it seems many religious Jews feel this way. So my question is: is this idea that Christianity is a sinful, evil religion and Jesus was an evil person a popular sentiment among religious Jews in Israel? Please be honest and frank in your answer.



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