I would not close the possibility that you might do teshuva some day and come to full Jewish observance. That would be an ideal situation because Judaism, the religion, believes that in order to fully live as Hashem wishes us to live we should observe the mitzvot of the Torah. You claim you do mitzvot but it seems your definition is not clear. It is a violation of the commandments to eat pig meat and bacon. It is a violation of commandments to violate the Shabbat. Each transgression is weighed and you are judged for. It is not good to go around proudly claiming that you do not observe the commandments. You should say that you are trying to do them but that at this time you have not been able to fully observe the commandments.
To do otherwise makes you just as bad as the reform Jews...
The Lubavitcher Rebbe (zt"l) once said that we should never ridicule or dismiss any Jew who is not Torah observant, yet who keeps ONE mitzvah....because if he is stringent about keeping ONE, eventually he will be led to keep more, or even all.
I have been having dealings with "frumyid" elsewhere as well as here, and in what MJ has sent to me. It strongly appears that he is not a frum Yid, but may have been at one time, or was raised as such...and is now a leftist who is USING his knowledge of Torah Judaism to try to turn religious Jews into leftists.
Note that he attacks MJ but NEVER, not even ONCE, any leftist jews...even when he is clearly shown that they are violating Halacha.
This lesbian Kagan woman started out life as a non-religious Jew. The ONLY reason she and her family went to Lincoln Square (Riskin's MO synagogue) was due to kiruv being done by his synagogue in the area. Not long after that, they left to join a reconstruction heretical house of worship. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall back then...I bet we would have heard Kagan and her parents having a good laugh over how "we really snowed that Orthodox him to violate his own rules with that bat mitzvah business!" Leftists get a KICK out of doing things like that! I recently had one hard time of it, with a non-frum family that came to my shul, and they insisted on their daughter having a bat mitzvah, etc too. It was almost the same thing.
And you know something? Some of the men of the shul were almost about to give in, but the WOMEN of the shul, myself included, made a big stink about it and it was CALLED OFF! The WOMEN did what the men were AFRAID to do!
Getting back to our resident leftist jew, I highly doubt frumyid cares if MJ is fully observant or not. He is USING what he sees as a vulnerability in her to bash her over the head and try to discredit her in the eyes of religious Jews. I have seen leftist jews do this before, offline, many times.
I saw emails from him in which he wanted to know why any Jews would care what Gentiles and Christians think. He used very insulting terms to refer to Christians, something I take offense at, since I have friends who are Christians and committed Americans, who love the Jewish people.
This man is a fake "frum yid", USING his background and/or knowledge of Torah to try to turn truly frum Yidden into leftists. As I said, I have seen leftists use religion for this purpose before. Obama's government is doing it as we speak, sending Nancy Piglosi into churches to try to convince them that they should follow Obama's agenda.