Author Topic: INVITATION to "Frum Yid" and his LEFT WING ASSASSINS to come and Debate us.  (Read 11740 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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frumyid:  "Once again, all you are doing is blowing smoke. "

Speaking of "blowing smoke" --

I'll agree to meet you at a Din Torah, if you'll agree to first meet me at an Opium den!


Offline frumyid

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The opium better be of higher quality than your humour. IF you can guarantee that, you're on. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Offline muman613

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The opium better be of higher quality than your humour. IF you can guarantee that, you're on. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thats not so nice... Massah is very funny, most of the time...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline frumyid

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Listen you little squirt.  None of us here have done anything wrong.  So just because you come here whining about lashon hara.  Don't think for a minute that you can guilt us into appearing before some Din Torah.  We won't do it because we're more than entitled to our opinions.  So get that through your thick head. 

easy for you to say from the comfort of the shadows. You won't go to a beis din because you KNOW you couldn't win. You're no more entitled to slander fellow jews than you are to proclaim Yuskah the Maschiach. Either you're a Jew or you're a JINO, and that's what a beis din is for.

and any time you want to stand face to face with me and call me a squirt, let me know. I won't be holding my breath. You have to vent your bile here because you'd never dare say things like this to my face. Talk about someone with too much time on their hands....

Have you personally consulted with the people you mentioned?

All  you have to do to find out is agree to a din torah.

Phony frum, you are obsessed with AsheDina.
You did not denounce this fact. You are a complete failure at debating since you do not refute a single thing I say.
I don't need a din Torah if you cannot even defend yourself on this forum.

You're just a sad pickle-nosed kike. A perverted kike.

wait a second. You're a GOY, right? calling ME a Kike, and none of the JEWS here object?

you are a smarmy liar. I don't have to defend myself against a pool of slime like you.  You just like to hurt people. You are a danger to yourself and others.

Offline muman613

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Mr Yid,

Please tell us what you stand for besides standing against Lashon Hara? Do you agree that we are threatened by the enemies of Israel? Do you think that we will win by only being concerned with Lashon Hara? Don't we have a responsibility to our brothers in order to merit Hashems promise that we will be gathered into the land?

I am getting tired of your tirade on the topic of Lashon Hara. Sure there are non-Jews who don't really have a command to prevent them from speaking Lashon Hara. I have spoken many times about using the K-word but I can only make the suggestion and hope that the listener is hearing...

But JTF is looking forward to a time when the evil leadership will be removed. There will come a time when the Obamas of the world will be gone... I hope you are not an Obamatron...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline frumyid

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Mr Yid,

Please tell us what you stand for besides standing against Lashon Hara? Do you agree that we are threatened by the enemies of Israel? Do you think that we will win by only being concerned with Lashon Hara? Don't we have a responsibility to our brothers in order to merit Hashems promise that we will be gathered into the land?

I am getting tired of your tirade on the topic of Lashon Hara. Sure there are non-Jews who don't really have a command to prevent them from speaking Lashon Hara. I have spoken many times about using the K-word but I can only make the suggestion and hope that the listener is hearing...

But JTF is looking forward to a time when the evil leadership will be removed. There will come a time when the Obamas of the world will be gone... I hope you are not an Obamatron...

I have no desire to debate anything other than lashon hara. I am among those who believe that if we can master our tongues all else will fall into place, and until we are free from hatred of other Jews, there will never be peace. As Hillel said, "all else is commentary". That was my whole point when I began this. I never criticised AsheDina for her political viewpoint. I refuse to discuss politics, because it is a lever that the enemies of Israel use to divide Jews.  I'm sorry that you're tired of my "tirade" and not Bio-Electric's sadism. To each his own, I guess. We both have sufficient friends to keep us satisfied with our prejudices. I commit persistently to behaving with as much equanimity as I can muster. I do not support insult on behalf of my friends, so I need not tolerate it on behalf of my enemies. You, of course have an easy option. Stop reading what I'm saying. No one is making you respond to me.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Phony frum, you are obsessed with AsheDina.
You did not denounce this fact. You are a complete failure at debating since you do not refute a single thing I say.
I don't need a din Torah if you cannot even defend yourself on this forum.

You're just a sad pickle-nosed kike. A perverted kike.

wait a second. You're a GOY, right? calling ME a Kike, and none of the JEWS here object?

you are a smarmy liar. I don't have to defend myself against a pool of slime like you.  You just like to hurt people. You are a danger to yourself and others.

You didn't refute my words when you thought I was a Jew because you couldn't. And now you use it as an excuse to 'not have to'... What a sad little [censored].

You still run away from refuting my words. Even the smallest amount of reasoning is too much for you and anyone can see it here.

My righteousness is my ticket to the next world. You're vile mind will be your execution. You're more vile than a muslim.

How am I a liar coward?

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Ah, I'm a sadist for reasoning what you are.
You're a coward that's only brave enough to face his tongue. You're a real hero.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "Phony frum, you are obsessed with AsheDina"

No he's not.

He's in love with "Big Mama" Kagan!                  :::D

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Why are so many of us being vicious to Frum Yid when he was INVITED here by someone who is always saying that we don't allow different opinions.  So far, I haven't seen Frum Yid call anyone the vicious nasty names that have been directed his way.  It's kind of sickening that people who want us to tolerate White Nationalists are hell bent on making this NEW forum member as uncomfortable as possible, which no doubt, WILL result in him leaving, which is allegedly what some people on here claim not to want.  I may not agree with Frum Yid, but he's being much more respectful to others in a positive direction, than the lack of courtesy being shown to him.  And this is my 613th post which I think should mean something--maybe not, but maybe.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 05:16:41 PM by JTFenthusiast2 »

Offline muman613

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Yes I agree JTFEnthusiast2...

I understand both sides here and simply would like for us to agree that we will not agree on this. Each person can control his or her lashon hara... I do believe, as mr yid does, that Lashon Hara is a very bad problem amongst the Jewish people. As I have posted before, it is believed that this kind of speech is what lead to the Sinat Chinam which destroyed the second Beit HaMikdash... As I posted above it is why the Jewish people were enslaved in Egypt... It is an insidious problem...

But there are also Erev Rav, there are also Jews who are so lost that we must rebuke them firmly so they reconsider their position. I very rarely hate a fellow Jew no matter how far from the Jewish people he or she is.. I believe that every Jew really wants to make Teshuva deep inside their soul... But for one reason or another he or she is lost and on a path of spiritual discovery...

I do not like this discussion so close to Shabbat. I hope that we can all have Shabbat Shalom and reflect on what the Jewish response to this conflict is. I do not believe that we should hurl insults. Unless we can see that FrumYid is amongst the enemies of Israel... I sure hope that he is not..

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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"frumyid" is a cowardly ghetto-minded traitor who dares to misuse the Torah in order to preach his wimpy galut ideology.

We are not allowed to curse Jewish traitors? What an ignoramus!

That means that Chazal did not know what they were doing when they commanded us to pray three times a day for the violent death and destruction of Jewish informers and traitors.

We ask Hashem to do the following to Jewish traitors and informers in the Shmone Esre three times a day:

"And to the apostates and informers may there be no hope, and all enemies of Your people should speedily be cut off, and the wicked speedily You should uproot and smash and destroy and defeat quickly in our days. Blessed is Hashem who smashes enemies and defeats the wicked."

"frumyid" even defends self-hating scum like Elana Kagan yimach shma yezichra, a lifelong supporter and key ally of Barack Hussein Osama and the Clintons who are pressuring Israel to commit national suicide.

As far as Shlomo Riskin is concerned, that wimpy little traitor is not a rabbi but an informer who advocates Israeli national suicide, supports all of our enemies, and gives money and assistance to Arab Muslim Nazi Jew-killers.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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4. The fact that Reb Yosef made comments does not give you the right to make them without approval from a posek with equal recognition.

This is a very stupid thing to say.   Only poskim have a license to act without first getting approval of someone else or of a rabbi?   What a sickness that you think this is Judaism.   A posek is sought out when a halachic shaila arises.  Stating an opinion or carrying out any act (or even acting within the KNOWN and PUBLICIZED shita of another rabbi for crying out loud) does not require getting personal approval of a posek.

It is well known that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef cursed Yossi Sarid (and others).  Clearly then, he does not hold of the opinion that it is assur (forbidden) to curse Jewish traitors.   Similarly, there have been other great rabbis to not hold of that opinion (it's not a unanimous opinion, obviously), and Rabbi Kahane was another one.

I am not saying I can give a judgement on this particular thing or that particular thing that was said, but when you argue about the theoretical principle of cursing Jewish traitors in general, it is clear that your "Am Haaratzut" (ignorance) is on full display and you are superimposing your own leftist feelings onto what you think the halacha should be for everyone but isn't.     

And like I said, this site goes in the derech of Rabbi Kahane who did not believe in the insane-paralyzing-galut style Judaism whereby one is completely incapacitated to act in any situation without asking a rav about every single decision in life (even subjective decisions with multiple valid choices) and where a person cannot decide anything for himself and sacrifices his own intellect to someone else (a modern invention by the way and not even real Judaism by galut standards).    Rabbi Kahane said many times, a person asks their rav for a halachic matter they do not know.    No one can abdicate personal responsibility.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:02:20 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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before you judge me, I suggest you read the thread. I notice you do not comment at all about her published comments proposing that jews who disagree with her politically should be shot

It depends on which Jews and what is meant by disagree with her politically.   There are many Jews who should be put to death by the Israeli law where death penalty is employed for traitors.   The oslo traitors are first on the list.

Otherwise, if it's silly democrats and self-hating liberals, I will say "publically" - I disagree.  I personally do not think they should be "shot."   I disagree with lots of things.  So what?

or the fact that she is trying to get be barred with IC-3's for simply following links that she sent me. 

None of my business.

Perhaps you and I should correspond privately. If you do not have my personal email, let me know.
 But as I said earlier, I am not going to spoil their vacation.

I don't know if I'm comfortable with that.  I think we were corresponding just fine here.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:00:45 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline frumyid

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"frumyid" is a cowardly ghetto-minded traitor who dares to misuse the Torah in order to preach his wimpy galut ideology.

We are not allowed to curse Jewish traitors? What an ignoramus!

That means that Chazal did not know what they were doing when they commanded us to pray three times a day for the violent death and destruction of Jewish informers and traitors.

We ask Hashem to do the following to Jewish traitors and informers in the Shmone Esre three times a day:

"And to the apostates and informers may there be no hope, and all enemies of Your people should speedily be cut off, and the wicked speedily You should uproot and smash and destroy and defeat quickly in our days. Blessed is Hashem who smashes enemies and defeats the wicked."

"frumyid" even defends self-hating scum like Elana Kagan yimach shma yezichra, a lifelong supporter and key ally of Barack Hussein Osama and the Clintons who are pressuring Israel to commit national suicide.

As far as Shlomo Riskin is concerned, that wimpy little traitor is not a rabbi but an informer who advocates Israeli national suicide, supports all of our enemies, and gives money and assistance to Arab Muslim Nazi Jew-killers.

It's obvious from the above that I am not desired, let alone welcome here. If you, sir wish to say these things to my face, name the beis din I would welcome the opportunity to hear you say them, and the opportunity to spit in yours. you may contact me at my personal email, which you may find through contact with your minion.

To the rest of you, I hope that you find the correct medication to cure you of your addiction to hatred before this monster leads you all to an Oklahoma City or a Jonestown. I  am sure that you will understand if I do not wish you well. I will never return to this site again, because it is obvious that the few of you who appreciate my input should not expect to see it here, and I would not wish to attract anyone here to risk contamination.

The majority of you would have been perfectly comfortable in Germany had the Nazis allowed Jewish membership. I am leaving because at my age, my stomach is too weak to have to be confronted with such sociopathy and I have sufficient other opportunties for gamilus chesed that I do not have to spend my time tending to your sicknesses. I leave that to those with stronger stomachs and the ability to prescribe psychotropics for you, although they may also need the power to institutionalize you in order that you be prevented from doing harm to yourselves or others.
As your fearless leader has pointed out, we pray daily for the death of traitors and heretics. Time will tell as to whom the Abishter regards as such and what action is taken against them. The only comfort that I have is that the only Talmud Chocham who agrees with you is dead.

As I said above, I am ready to appear at any beis din to which you summon me. I of course am not going to hold my breath waiting for the call.

Have fun posting replies to this for the autoerotic benefit of your crew. I will not see any of them, nor will I feel bereft for not having done so.

Farew... oh, wait... hmmm every closing expresses a positive sentiment or wish, and I am always worried that we are given only a limited number, and I certainly would not want to find that I gave my last to any of you when I have others who might need them... so I suppose  all I can to is walk away without a final word.... pity........

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Frum, why dont you stay, learn that you should have a gun to shoot enemies and get SANE, like not voting in Obama the JEW HATING PIG a 2nd time?
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@FRUMP YID: I  am sure that you will understand if I do not wish you well.

What a total BAFFOON. Yet-- He wishes Rahm, Elena Katfish, AxelTUCHAS, Sunstein, FrankenSTEIN, BoxHEAD, SCHMUCK Schumer, Feingold...ETC... BOLSHEVIK Jews that HATE Jews, Hate America, HATE Israel. And, then has the damned AUDACITY to wish US unwell....

Hypocrite.. THEN he, the NAZI supporter of Obama says that WE would have been with Shitler...
YOU are the one, FRUM that is with the current NAZI regime, and you have learned absolutely ZERO about the left wing and their hatred for the Jewish people.

שמע ישראל
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