Author Topic: This is why Israel needs to stop caring what the world thinks. Please defend.  (Read 766 times)

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Offline Chai

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Most of the rest of the world already hates us ..

      +27 diggs +34 / -7
      1 hr 9 min ago
      The ships carrying supplies opened up their cargo to international media before leaving port, they had no weapons, only food and medicine. Israel is just depriving the Palestinians in Gaza basic necessities because they elected Hamas, both sides have done despicable things and should both grow up and talk like adults.
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      +25 diggs +48 / -23
      4 hr 9 min ago
      I think Israel may have shot itself in the penis.
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      +25 diggs +29 / -4
      1 hr 10 min ago ...

      They've already showed pictures of the "weapons" they found. Mostly just ***** you would find on a ship, including a bunch of large utility/kitchen knives
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      +21 diggs +42 / -21
      1 hr 6 min ago
      Make Israel sign NPA. Stop any aid to this criminal state. Make them accountable for all atrocities that they committed in Gaza.
      It's time to stop calling anti-semite anybody who disagree with them.
      From victims they become perpetrators. For some reason they are held to different standards, and their actions cannot be questioned. How long can we turn blind eye on stuff that they do?

      "Israel has said it would stop the boats, calling the campaign a "provocation intended to delegitimise Israel"."
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      +17 diggs +23 / -6
      1 hr 5 min ago
      Im a long established murderer, therfore its my victims fault for being murdered.

      Thats the same justification you just used. They illegally boarded a ship in international waters and occupants of said ship are legally entitled to defend it from pirates. Israel was the agressor and in the wrong.
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      +17 diggs +28 / -11
      1 hr ago ...

      300,000 Palestinian refuges in Lebanon who have no basic human rights.

      Israel's neighbours treat palestinians just as badly.
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      +16 diggs +19 / -3
      51 minutes ago
      Most of Israel's critics are not anti-Semitic. You're doing a disservice to any kind of constructive debate when you dismiss the other side with cries of racism. It's actually this avenue of logic that's much easier than thinking.

      I'm not a big fan of Israel in general, but subatomicdoc is actually contributing to the discussion in a constructive way. You are not.
      +15 diggs +41 / -26
      2 hr 17 min ago
      I'm saddened about the loss of life, but I agree that we need to learn more before we judge what happened. The 'humanitarian organization' apparently doesn't have such a peaceful reputation. And here's the 'peaceful' folks attacking an Israeli soldier with metal pipes.


      Here's a version of the pro-Israeli side ...

      We'll see how this plays out.
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      +14 diggs +18 / -4
      1 hr 11 min ago
      Please do not post unbiased links; it disturbs us.
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      +13 diggs +16 / -3
      49 minutes ago
      *** They were wrong for boarding the ship and blockading the port.

      You're an idiot. Commandos aren't magically immune to stab wounds or blunt force trauma. Only a fool takes knives, clubs, etc. at close range lightly.
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      +11 diggs +12 / -1
      27 minutes ago
      That makes sense....... maybe they should be thrown into gas chambers?
      +10 diggs +11 / -1
      27 minutes ago
      Yeah, those barbarians carrying forbidden stuff such as concrete, spare parts and food.
      +10 diggs +20 / -10
      48 minutes ago
      Of course that ignores the main point, they were illegally boarding a ship in International waters and the crew were defending themselves.
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      +10 diggs +17 / -7
      1 hr 2 min ago
      And I didn't know it was ok to break international law whenever you ***** felt like it
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      +9 diggs +16 / -7
      2 hr 15 min ago
      No comparison - not politically, socially, or morally.
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      +9 diggs +12 / -3
      38 minutes ago
      I would like to think that too, but probably in a month most people will forget about this incident.
      Israel attacked and almost destroyed an US ship, killing quite a few Americans. That happened a few decades ago, and now very few even know it happened. Nothing bad happened to Israel. For those who never heard of it, just google: uss liberty israel
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      +8 diggs +12 / -4
      36 minutes ago
      I too would attack people who were trying to board my ship illegally in international waters. Especially if I knew they intended to harm me.
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      +8 diggs +14 / -6
      1 hr 15 min ago
      Sad that my first thought was: Mass Effect...
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      +7 diggs +9 / -2
      32 minutes ago
      "Defending themselves against what?"
      Soldiers of a foreign nation attacking their ship in international waters.
      +7 diggs +11 / -4
      48 minutes ago
      How would you handle yourself if within 2 seconds of hitting the deck people started hitting you with metal pipes? Several people with several metal pipes.....
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      +7 diggs +24 / -17
      57 minutes ago
      Video footage of Israeli soldiers being attacked as they fast rope onto a flotilla boat to inspect it.
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      +6 diggs +7 / -1
      44 minutes ago
      You could wet one of those towels and snap it on somebody's donkey.
      +6 diggs +9 / -3
      26 minutes ago
      Those that breached the blockade fully knew/expected this to play out exactly as it did.
      This was another example of some nut job muslims trying to grab international attention, period.

      Also take a look at the freakin map....look at all the land in the region which is muslim....jordan, saudia arabia, turkey, iran, iraq, syria, egypt and the list continues...thousands upon thousands of miles.

      Then look at this tiny sliver of land that is israel. Why must it be israel that they all want to destroy? If these other countries are their muslim brothers, why don't they give them just a little piece of their vast lands?

      Answer is its not about the IS about (as many declare openly) the elimination of Israel.
      That is why Israel's tactics seem to be so harsh because they fully understand the intent of the enemy.
      Those who are intellectually honest see this.
      +6 diggs +19 / -13
      56 minutes ago
      What gets me is the IDF, supposedly one of the most bad-donkey forces in the world, freaked out when they were attacked by people with knives, clubs and other hand to hand weapons.


      If ya ask me, sounds like these IDF soldiers are a bunch of ***** PUSSIES!

      If a bunch of armed assailants plopped out of the sky from a chopper on to the deck of my boat in the middle of the night, your damn skippy I would pick up the nearest improvised weapon and defend myself!
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      +5 diggs +6 / -1
      19 minutes ago
      I doubt it, as radu79 says, people don't care enough - yet.

      I think Israel is in the process of finding the action that is too much, crossing the line too far. They have a momentum behind them, and as long as they aren't penalised they'll treat this as tacit permission to do more of the same (or worse).
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      +5 diggs +22 / -17
      53 minutes ago
      ***** the Israeli government.
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      +5 diggs +10 / -5
      1 hr ago
      wow, the zionist internet forces have been out in full force lately. And not just here either.
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      +5 diggs +7 / -2
      50 minutes ago
      Aren't the Israelis native yet? Arguments along that line are simply retarded.
      +5 diggs +8 / -3
      40 minutes ago
      The big issue here is that this happened outside of Israel's territorial waters. This makes this an act of war, committed against the countries under who's flags those ships sailed.

      With that in mind, whether this was a humanitarian or 'humanitarian' mission is absolutely secondary. The IDF attacked and boarded ships where they had no business to do so. They are the aggressors. Self defense with metal pipes is a legitimate and legal reaction. The killing of civilians on board that ship is not. It's a war crime.

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      +5 diggs +5 / -0
      50 minutes ago
      I was looking for this comment in the last article. Better late than never.
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      +5 diggs +5 / -0
      21 minutes ago
      so, which side killed 30 people here again? in international waters? dude. if soldiers rappelled onto a ship in international waters, then there gonna defend themselves.
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      +5 diggs +5 / -0
      36 minutes ago
      what bull ***** pictures
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      +4 diggs +10 / -6
      51 minutes ago
      When they announce the blockade, it's not breaking international law to enforce it. If they had never announced a blockade and just started boarding ships, then you might have a point.
      +4 diggs +7 / -3
      35 minutes ago
      Yeah but they were boarding them to try and resolve the issue of them running the blockade. If they wouldn't have attacked no one would have gotten killed. (probably) 5 other ships complied this one didn't
      +4 diggs +15 / -11
      53 minutes ago
      We sure know how to pick our friends.
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      +4 diggs +5 / -1
      15 minutes ago
      Q: What's the difference between Israel and the Somali pirates?
      A: Hell if I know.
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      +4 diggs +5 / -1
      15 minutes ago
      They were in international waters and had not run the blockade. Thus Israel's actions were an act of piracy. If they had waited until the flotilla was actually nearing the blockade, maybe that excuse would fly, but it doesn't.
      +4 diggs +4 / -0
      18 minutes ago
      Wait... so defending oneself is provocation enough for the IDF to murder, but having your ship stormed illegally by armed and dangerous men on international waters is not? Alrighty then.
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      +3 diggs +3 / -0
      12 minutes ago
      israel's videos are faked? and the bbc proved that israel is behind 9/11? you need medication, dude.
      +3 diggs +3 / -0
      11 minutes ago
      They raided them in international waters. Current reports indicate they began firing on the ships *before* they boarded.

      The blockade excuse just does not fly. It would only be a justification if the flotilla was within Israeli waters and nearing the blockade. They were still in international waters which makes this an act of piracy. That's a fact that no amount of hand waving will alter.
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      +3 diggs +3 / -0
      7 minutes ago
      theres no "both sides of the story" here. the ***** facts are israeli commandos boarded a ship in international waters and murdered 31 civilians. i dont give a ***** if they attacked the commandoes with steel pipes. if men with guns board your ship in international waters in the middle of the night, you have the right to defend yourself. i dont give a ***** if they said they were gonna run any damn blockade. until they actully arent in international waters, they arent running *****.
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      +3 diggs +10 / -7
      52 minutes ago
      your a fool if you believe those were innocent people on that boat. GAZA gets all the humanitarian aid it needs and if Israel is so bad why is Egypt also in on the blockade
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      +3 diggs +5 / -2
      41 minutes ago
      Yeah they declared a blockade they are allowed to enforce it. Kind of like when we (U.S.) blockaded Cuba back in the cold war.
      +3 diggs +3 / -0
      40 minutes ago
      Well in that case it is the British fault, actually it's Hitler's fault for killing 6 million Jews.
      +3 diggs +3 / -0
      23 minutes ago
      "By the way, Israel offered to receive the items, inspect them, and then delver them, but (surprise, surprise) the "peace activists" refused. I wonder why."

      Maybe because no one can logically trust Israel any longer? They've on multiple occasions been proven liars on aggressive actions.
      +3 diggs +8 / -5
      48 minutes ago
      Well, if everyone hates on the palestinians, I guess it's ok.

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      +2 diggs +8 / -6
      38 minutes ago
      Don't forget that the army was the one attacking the ship on international waters and the civilians were the ones defending with knifes and metal pipes.
      +2 diggs +4 / -2
      38 minutes ago
      Not it isn't, it was a known blockade and they tried to run through it , and no they didn't illegally board they were enforcing their blockade.
      +3 diggs +4 / -1
      38 minutes ago
      I saw the video. Zero blasting.
      +2 diggs +2 / -0
      17 minutes ago
      I wouldn't have been stupid enough to board a boat on a humanitarian mission in the first place.

please defend
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 10:03:58 PM by 18chai »

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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By being pu**ies we cause the world to hate us even more (let's be honest, why would we care who hates us

and who loves us? I love it when they me) - and a lot worse, to contempt us.

Offline muman613

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it is interesting that some of these talkback writers compare the Flotilla incident to piracy...

In Steven Plauts latest essay he compares the Free Gaza Flotilla to the third wave of Barbary pirates...

A Meditteranean Barbary War
Sivan 19, 5770, 01 June 10 07:08
by Prof. Steven Plaut

( The United States fought two Barbary wars against the Barbary coast pirates.  In the first Barbary war alone, the US suffered 35 dead and 64 wounded.  The pirates suffered at least 800 dead and many more than that wounded.  The American forces put the cities of the pirates under siege and blockade.  When the pirates renewed their terrorist activity, (in part thanks to the US being at war with Great Britain), the second Barbary war was fought in 1815.

The third Barbary War against Mediterranean pirates was fought this week. It was fought by Israel against violent armed terrorists.

Like the Americans in the 1800s, Israel has put the terrorist pirate enclave of Gaza under siege.  It is only letting in civilian consumer goods.  But that has the supporters of the Hamas upset.  They demand that Israel allow in weapons so that the Hamas can engage in more terrorism and piracy.

It was against that background that the "flotilla" of terrorists trying to challenge Israeli sovereign control of its sea lanes and waters was organized by Islamists and Western anti-Semitic leftists. Once again the modern Ribbentrop-Molotov pact of Islamofascism and Western leftism united to attack the Jews.

The 20 (or whatever the correct number is) of dead terrorists from the flotilla ships are being proclaimed "innocent civilians." They were neither innocent nor civilians.  They were guilty terrorists. They opened fire on IDF soldiers, and attacked them with knives and pipes and other weapons.

After two decades of pusillanimous pandering to such people and coddling leftist "solidarity" anarchist terrorists, even when they violently attack IDF soldiers and Israeli police, Israel has at long last done the right thing.  At long last it has taken a clear position: raise a hand against an Israeli soldier and die!

AMEN!!  It is the position Israel should have been enforcing all along.

Israel must now revoke its offer to pay for the return flights of the terrorists to their home countries.  Let them rot in Israeli prison. Let them eat water and stale pita.  Israel must scuttle the pirate ships or sell them as scrap.  Israel must respond to the Turkish role in the terror "flotilla" by now organizing its own peace flotilla of
ships flying Greek flags and sending them to enter the port of Famagusta on Cyprus to protest the illegal Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus.  Let us see how the Turks like the negative publicity.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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The only ally the Jews need is HaShem.  Period.  [censored] public opinion.  A Jewish people placing their trust in HaShem is unbeatable.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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We already know that the vast majority of the world hates Jews and anyone who supports them.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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It's not illegal to board the ship in international law.   Where are they getting that from?

As far as I know, what the Israelis did was legal, and they followed the protocols set out in international law.  We see what following the illegitimate rules of warfare composed by Europeans gets us.  We see how little use it is to adopt the foreign law system over the G-d-given truth of the Torah, which has its own opinions of how we should engage with a ship full of terrorist jihadists like this.

Even if Israel follows the suicidal illegitimate "international law" which has no means of dealing with the terrorist threat, still the world will accuse Israel of not following it.   That shows how fruitless is this endeavor, and endangering our soldiers for the sake of the israeli regime's idol called "world opinion" is an approach without common sense or decency.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 02:52:40 AM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Hyades

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The main problem is that most people get all the dumb Fakestinian propaganda injected day in day out. They know as much about the topic as a horse knows to fly. We cannot chnage these ignorants. And if they do not want to help or at least stand behind us, we should ignore them and make a huge poop onto their heads. Period.

Offline Kerber

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The only ally the Jews need is HaShem.  Period.  deleted public opinion.  A Jewish people placing their trust in HaShem is unbeatable.
This is the truth and most accurate.But,the Jewish people need to establish the G-d's Laws in their country's system and every individual to respect and live by the moral Laws.And then it would be the reestablishment of the "eternal covenant" with G-d.

As time goes by and as a number of religious people grows who are devoted to the Laws of G-d,Israel will be attacked more and more by the World that hates G-d.

Whatever Turkey or any other county does today to cause the conflict, it is doing it not on their own,but it is supported by EU and USA and in agreement with them.

All those kind of scenarios we,in Serbia, saw it and we were witnesses to the numerous plots with so called "humanitarian" convoys and helps.Smuggling of weapons trough UN convoys to the Muslims in Bosnia was the goal of all those UN convoys.So,we know what it is.

Offline TruthSpreader

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Agreed. The only ally Israel should rely on is Hashem. If Israel relies on the rest of the world for help. All hope is lost.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision