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Ask JTF for Sunday, June 13, 2010
Ben m:
shalom chaim.
i have a few questions for you for this week:
1)what is the different between hispanics and white?
2)do you think that a christian can be righthouse? i beleive that yes.
Dr. Dan:
Shalom Chaim
Please comment on the BP oil spill. Might it also be a punishment from Hashem? What kind of eco-disaster do you think this spill will have?
Thank you
Dr. Dan
Shalom Chaim,
I have two questions for you this week.
1) Regarding pre-marital sex, I understand that the Bible forbids such, but why? It seems very out-dated to me in a sense. True enough in the days of old, having sex might normally lead to pregnancy, but with the multitude of ways one can enforce contraception, it seems that being abstinent is in vain. It is proven that sex is very healthy, not just physically but mentally, so if the opportunity arises to have it with someone you are dating, someone you love and are committed to (of course in a monogamous relationship), I don't see why not.
Again, in the past, marriage occurred at much younger ages, and so it seems OK that pre-marital sex was forbidden, because by the age of 18 or so chances were you'd be close to getting married (as recently as my parents generation), but nowadays people aren't getting married until their mid-20's, or even mid-30's (or later!!). The idea of staying abstinent throughout this entire period seems silly to me. Again, as long as you are being safe, preventing pregnancy, and are respectful of this act with your significant other, I don't see why it is such a problem.
Please give me your opinion on what I've said, as I respectfully would like to understand the Torah's rules and perspectives. Also, how severe a sin would this be considered to be? What happens in your opinion to the Jews or Righteous Gentiles who don't adhere to the prohibition of pre-marital sex?
2) Recently when I was in the city, I decided to stop into a deli for an egg and cheese sandwich. Behind me waiting to order was a white woman, and the owners were clearly Cucarachas. Just prior to the white woman having the chance to order, another espanol comes in on a bike, shouts in Spanish to the cook who is taking orders, what he wants, and the cooks jovially responds in Spanish and proceeds to take his order before the white woman who was waiting. The white woman in disgust declared loudly, "You are so rude!", and stormed out. The cucarachas in response shared a laugh and thought this was hysterical. I thought to myself how sad it is that these cucarachas and another minorities are indeed becoming the majority, while WE in fact are becoming the minority, and being discriminated against with no justice (this story was a good example in my opinion). My question to you is, what do you think this white woman should have done, rather than storm out? What can we do as a movement, or as individuals, to prevent such disgusting and absurd behavior on the part of minorities all around us? I for one am disgusted by the notion that these animals think that because they share a language and a filthy culture that they can ignore morality and lawfulness. What in your opinion Chaim can we do about this increasing problem?
Thank you as always for all that you do, and God bless the JTF.
Ari Ben-Canaan:
Shalom Chaim!
How have you been?
What do you know about electromagnetic weapons? I hear they can be used to destroy electronic devices of all sorts. Seems like they would be very useful in disrupting an enemies way of life, and helpful in reducing the enemies ability to create bogus propaganda or spread it over the internet. While I hope the IDF keeps quiet about their latest and best weapons, I also hope they are utilizing this technology. Have you ever heard anything about Israel, or even other Western nations developing potentially awesome weapons such as these? Sending the rest of the mid-east back 150 years ago [pre-electronic device] would be fantastic, no?
Have you ever heard of a book called, "Samson Blinded"? I came across a downloadable e-book by that title and a blog of the same name. The book seems to be a postulation of a way to solve the middle east dispute, I have downloaded it and am going to read it. The blog has Rabbi Kahane material available for viewing as well, which makes me think the people behind this site are Kahanists. If you have heard of either the book or the blog what do you think about them, what is the JTF critique?
^This is the website for the book.
^This is the website for the blog.
While I don't look to rock stars or bands for political advice, ethics, or morals, I don't feel good about listening to music by people who hate us, obviously, but it would add enjoyment to music I do like to know the musicians I listen to are pro-Jew or give me a reason to check someone's music out. I discovered that the Ramones, while having a Jew in their band, also had a Nazi in their band, and that takes the wind out of my sails completely for enjoyment of that band ever again. Can you name any bands [preferably classic rock] who are known philo-Semites, or known anti-Semites?
When did you start learning Hebrew? What have been some of the experiences which have increased your ability to speak Hebrew fluently?
How do you think HaShem will deliver the rest of Greater Israel [Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, etc] into our hands? Are the parts of these countries promised to us rich in oil?
Greater Israel.
What websites do you think provide the best analysis of the Koran, Hadith, and Sira and translations? I came across Craig Winn's site, "Prophet of Doom" after seeing you do a show with him and I think that site is really good. Daniel Pipes and Robert Spencer also have sites I find useful.
Turkey, as a NATO member, has a fairly decent military, including their Navy. What do you think the outcome of a direct conflict between Israel and Turkey would produce? How about a Turkey Navy/Air Force vs. IDF Navy/Air Force; Turkey has suggested they will "accompany" future terrorist flotillas with Turkish firepower, it has been suggested to me that the IDF Navy is not designed to go against a Navy such as Turkey has, what do you think about that suggestion?
Who do you think will run for the Republican candidate for President in 2012, what about the VP? Do you think Hillary Clinton will go against Obama in the primaries? My Mom suggested the later idea because Obama has reduced the prestige of Secretary of State, and Hillary Clinton is a power mad would-be-dictator who very well may be unsatisfied with this level of power.
What do you think about the Gulf oil spill? Do you think there is a media blackout involved? Did Obama enable this tragedy to happen in any way? How would you rate Obama's handling of this crisis, what has he done wrong or right? What outcomes for Obama do you think this event will have? When I look at some of pictures of oil being cleaned up it looks to me that crude oil is far easier to clean up than processed oil, the crude seems to be tarry and of a higher viscosity than refined oil; do you think it is easier to clean up crude oil than refined oil?
Out of Michael Lerner, Noam Chomsky, and Norman Finklestein [may their name and memories all be destroyed], who do you think is the biggest problem, who is the most self-hating Jew, and who does the most damage? Can you think of any Jew is is a bigger auto anti-Semite than these degenerate Nazi kapo Judenrat whelps?
I have had dreams where I was "voluntarily" eating milk and meat product against my will, what do you think that means? Do the Rabbis ever discuss such things as dreams like this, or anything about interpreting dreams? When I wake up I know I would never consciously commit these actions, but it leaves me puzzled and somewhat disturbed. I realize Joseph was a master of interpreting dreams, but I do not have him to consult.
Thanks so much for your time, and thank you for putting out high quality shows week after week.
Shalom VeTodah Rabbah,
Yaacov Ben Yehuda:
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