"What are Turks doing in Cyprus???" Let me note that this is from memory: The Turks and Greeks have been at each other's throats for a LONG time, all the way back to Constantinople, if you think about it.
As for more recent times, there was an international crisis in the early 70s or so when the Turks grabbed roughly half of Cyprus from Greece. It's been more or less at a stalemate since then, with a U.N. demilitarized zone separating both halves. What used to be a great vacation spot has become desolate. Even when the U.N. succeeds in stopping combat, it never advances toward a settlement.
Who can know what's in the minds of the Turks, but it's entirely possible that this Turkish move does not Israel. It's all over the news that Greece is economically crippled, and maybe the Turks are finally going to grab the rest of Cyprus (-- ?).