Author Topic: Luis Posada Carriles is innocent!  (Read 2415 times)

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Luis Posada Carriles is innocent!
« on: May 15, 2007, 09:27:56 PM »

Oh, these "reporters" altered the wording of the Castro press release a bit. "Documents link Posada." "Posada is accused." etc. But from the Los Angeles Times to The Washington Post, from the U.K Guardian to The New York Times, from the Toledo Blade to the Boston Globe and from The Associated Press to Reuters, the implication is clear: "Luis Posada Carriles is a CIA-trained terrorist who masterminded the bombing of a Cuban Airliner in 1976 that killed 73 innocent passengers when it crashed after lifting from the island of Barbados."

Even the normally cagey Dick Morris got sucked into the media frenzy, writing that "Posada-Carriles richly deserves to face a Castro firing squad."

You will search these media stories in vain, however, for any mention by these hard-nosed investigative sleuths and pundits that the accusations against Posada Carriles regarding the plane bombing have already had their day in court — and that an independent judiciary has fully exculpated Luis Posada Carriles of the crime. More important still, this court ruling found Posada innocent of any material or even intellectual culpability for the crime.


The evidence examined by Venezuelan judge José Moros González in 1980 to declare Posada totally innocent was so overwhelming, authoritative, and conclusive that it's small wonder the Castroite propaganda apparatus (and its ever-faithful media and think-tank auxiliaries from London to Madrid to New York to Washington D.C.) has been so frantic to squash it and to lead all "reporters" off its trail. (Not that the latter presents the slightest problem for Fidel Castro.)

Among this evidence was a 200-page report from the Forensic Explosives Laboratory of Britain's Royal Armament Research & Development Establishment, (ARDE) considered the most authoritative source on earth for investigations of this kind. This is the agency that helped crack the July 2005 London subway bombings.

The investigation into the Cubana Airline's explosion was commissioned and the report issued — not by "Cuban-American right-wing crackpots!" — but by the government of Barbados, the nation from where the plane had departed shortly before the explosion. The investigators and authorities from Barbados retrieved bodies, baggage, and portions of the plane found at the crash site. The investigation took the British agency two months and was headed by the agency's top expert, Eric Newton, a 33-year veteran in these type of investigations.

The findings from the world's top investigative agency on these matter's methodically demolished every item of the Castroite version of the crime — and, hence, their (and their media/pundit accomplices') slanders against Luis Posada Carriles. Among the highlights:

    The Castro-concocted version of the crime has the explosive device planted in the rear bathroom of the plane at Posada-Carriles' instigation by a Venezuelan who worked for him named Hernan Ricardo who boarded the plane on its previous stop in Trinidad and de-planed in Barbados.

    The "Cuban-American crackpot!" (Posada defense lawyers') version has the explosive device planted in the baggage compartment of the plane at the instigation of a Castro double-agent named Ricardo Morales Navarette while on a previous stop in Guyana.

    The ARDE findings have the explosion coming from the baggage compartment of the plane. "It would have been impossible for an explosion in the plane's bathroom to cause the type of damage we found." Concluded the ARDE report. "The explosion definitely came from the baggage compartment."

The Castro-concocted version blaming Posada has C-4 as the explosive device.

The "Cuban-American crackpot!" version has commercial dynamite as the explosive device.

The ARDE report found "no traces of any chemical found in C-4 explosives" and instead found traces of nitroglycerine, a component of commercial dynamite.

The ARDE investigators even offered to raise the entire plane from the sea's bottom.."No! No!" shrieked Castro. "Why that would . . . would . . . um . . ." This was among the few times in his life that Fidel Castro was actually stuttering. But soon he got a hold of himself and started with the little song that it was "a sacred burial site for the heroic martyrs on board and should be left alone . . . blah, blah, blah."

In fact, he knew good and well the raising would make further mincemeat of his case.

Also, have any of these "Gallant Crusaders for the Truth" informed you that a confession to the plane bombing in fact exists? And that it's a mea-culpa in a deposition in Dade County's 11th Judicial court dated April, 5 1982 — and that it's from a Castro double-agent name Ricardo Morales Navarette?

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Re: Luis Posada Carriles is innocent!
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2007, 01:17:16 AM »
Even if he is guilty, he is a hero for standing up for the thousands murdered in Castro's stalags or the thousands murdered by commies he trained all over Latin America.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Luis Posada Carriles is innocent!
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2007, 11:31:53 AM »

Oh, these "reporters" altered the wording of the Castro press release a bit. "Documents link Posada." "Posada is accused." etc. But from the Los Angeles Times to The Washington Post, from the U.K Guardian to The New York Times, from the Toledo Blade to the Boston Globe and from The Associated Press to Reuters, the implication is clear: "Luis Posada Carriles is a CIA-trained terrorist who masterminded the bombing of a Cuban Airliner in 1976 that killed 73 innocent passengers when it crashed after lifting from the island of Barbados."

Even the normally cagey Dick Morris got sucked into the media frenzy, writing that "Posada-Carriles richly deserves to face a Castro firing squad."

You will search these media stories in vain, however, for any mention by these hard-nosed investigative sleuths and pundits that the accusations against Posada Carriles regarding the plane bombing have already had their day in court — and that an independent judiciary has fully exculpated Luis Posada Carriles of the crime. More important still, this court ruling found Posada innocent of any material or even intellectual culpability for the crime.


The evidence examined by Venezuelan judge José Moros González in 1980 to declare Posada totally innocent was so overwhelming, authoritative, and conclusive that it's small wonder the Castroite propaganda apparatus (and its ever-faithful media and think-tank auxiliaries from London to Madrid to New York to Washington D.C.) has been so frantic to squash it and to lead all "reporters" off its trail. (Not that the latter presents the slightest problem for Fidel Castro.)

Among this evidence was a 200-page report from the Forensic Explosives Laboratory of Britain's Royal Armament Research & Development Establishment, (ARDE) considered the most authoritative source on earth for investigations of this kind. This is the agency that helped crack the July 2005 London subway bombings.

The investigation into the Cubana Airline's explosion was commissioned and the report issued — not by "Cuban-American right-wing crackpots!" — but by the government of Barbados, the nation from where the plane had departed shortly before the explosion. The investigators and authorities from Barbados retrieved bodies, baggage, and portions of the plane found at the crash site. The investigation took the British agency two months and was headed by the agency's top expert, Eric Newton, a 33-year veteran in these type of investigations.

The findings from the world's top investigative agency on these matter's methodically demolished every item of the Castroite version of the crime — and, hence, their (and their media/pundit accomplices') slanders against Luis Posada Carriles. Among the highlights:

    The Castro-concocted version of the crime has the explosive device planted in the rear bathroom of the plane at Posada-Carriles' instigation by a Venezuelan who worked for him named Hernan Ricardo who boarded the plane on its previous stop in Trinidad and de-planed in Barbados.

    The "Cuban-American crackpot!" (Posada defense lawyers') version has the explosive device planted in the baggage compartment of the plane at the instigation of a Castro double-agent named Ricardo Morales Navarette while on a previous stop in Guyana.

    The ARDE findings have the explosion coming from the baggage compartment of the plane. "It would have been impossible for an explosion in the plane's bathroom to cause the type of damage we found." Concluded the ARDE report. "The explosion definitely came from the baggage compartment."

The Castro-concocted version blaming Posada has C-4 as the explosive device.

The "Cuban-American crackpot!" version has commercial dynamite as the explosive device.

The ARDE report found "no traces of any chemical found in C-4 explosives" and instead found traces of nitroglycerine, a component of commercial dynamite.

The ARDE investigators even offered to raise the entire plane from the sea's bottom.."No! No!" shrieked Castro. "Why that would . . . would . . . um . . ." This was among the few times in his life that Fidel Castro was actually stuttering. But soon he got a hold of himself and started with the little song that it was "a sacred burial site for the heroic martyrs on board and should be left alone . . . blah, blah, blah."

In fact, he knew good and well the raising would make further mincemeat of his case.

Also, have any of these "Gallant Crusaders for the Truth" informed you that a confession to the plane bombing in fact exists? And that it's a mea-culpa in a deposition in Dade County's 11th Judicial court dated April, 5 1982 — and that it's from a Castro double-agent name Ricardo Morales Navarette?

Dick Morris' current expertise is on the Clintons. 

On other issues, he's confused.  Morris seems to think that Mestizos are Hispanics.  Morris thinks Republicans need to give amnesty to illegal aliens including the mestizos who enter the country illegally,  or else Hispanics will hate the Republican party.