This is for CZ and Rubystars silence on UP Dalit project : Zionist-Brahminist conspiracy
This refers to your shocking report about the zionist biological war to kill UP Dalits (DV May 1, 2010 p.

Newspapers in North carried reports of Melinda Gates visit and her meeting with Mayawati along with their support for an NGO called Saksham which has decreased the number of deaths in Rae Bareli district project (from thousands of children under 5 to just a few hundred). But her interview with the Hindu appeared only in the South.
I will call a meeting of doctors and discuss the DV report. I was also wondering why the rulers are secret about this? Why only the Hindu wrote about it? Saksham is not known here. Now that Gates have given money, they have become famous.
We agree that the lack of publicity to such a big project sounds suspicious and needs to be watched. Dr. Suresh is confident that Mayawati would not allow anything that would damage the Dalits of UP. We have some projects in Rae Bareli district and put the Saksham NGO under observation. Your suspicions may prove right. But we need time to see this and find some proof. The death of Dalit children under 5 is a major concern for us and we would be eager to find out what this foundation wants to do to reduce that. Our medical camps bring thousands of people for treatment and most of the children are malnourished. Our health workers have too much work on their hands. The article also does not explain the cultural change that Melinda Gates is suggesting.
Another proof of Jews joining “Jews of India”
When a staggering $ 55 million project was announced for UP, why no UP paper or even Delhi paper announced it? Why only India’s hard-core Brahmin daily headed by the arch enemy of Dalits/Muslims/Christians was given this exclusive interview by Melinda Gates? Why only this paper announced about such a project some 10 years back?
The “Jews of India” are in close collaboration with the Jews and admired the latter for their project of introducing AIDS to kill the African Blacks. DV has published over 100 reports on the AIDS which was a total zionist conspiracy against the Blacks.
Our people suffer from appalling ignorance, laziness, jealousy and lack of commitment. It is shocking that even highly placed medical doctors like Dr. Suresh Babu have not heard of such a gigantic scheme. Why the news was blacked out in UP papers? What is this mystery? Don’t you get suspicious?
You can take it from us that the zionist-Brahminist clique wants to repeat the African experiment in India. UP was chosen because of its BSP rule.
The problem is we are not an alert people. Even when Babasaheb was poisoned and killed by the Brahmin wife not a single Dalit follower raised any voice.
The Hindu is the country’s only Brahmin family media house which has not allowed any Dalit to enter. How did such a notorious anti-human media empire suddenly fall in love with Dalits? The answer can be found in the Mao’s “law of contradictions”. The Gates Foundation has played havoc in Africa — killing the Blacks by spreading AIDS. We have published many reports on this. We are sorry that even educated persons among us are not able to see through the Brahmin game. If this is the case how ordinary mortals, who form over 80% of the population, understand the Brahmin billiards game?
Why should the Brahmins approach the Gates and persuade them to come to India and select UP to conduct this experiment? Can’t you make out the deep designs? We are telling you with our vast experience in the line. Our predictions made in DV have never gone wrong
This guy Moses Parmar (uses the jewish prophets name) and writes against all Jews and Zionists.
He is a Jew hater, Zionism hater, Orthodox Hindu(Brahmin) hater, Hindu Nationalists hater.
Profile of his:"Moses committed himself to Jesus at the age of 17 through an evangelical student group in Nadiad, Gujarat. "
Which is so outrageous.
So pls think twice before you come defending for Dalits or Outcastes of Hindu system, and claiming that Evangelicals are uplifting them. These people are Anti-Semites, but the international funding gets power to them. It is Hindu nationalists that are fighting them, while people like Pat Robertson support them.