It's freezing here in NY in the middle of May!!!
Let me tell you my theory of "Global Warming"
By all means, the greenhouse gases we use maybe contributing the melting of the polar caps...but as long as the earth is not closer to the sun nor the sun closer to the earth, the water from the polar ice caps is being redistibuted to other parts of the world..for example...nearby where I'm from..NYC!!! and the east coast.
Gd damn environmentalists don't know anything!
I'm also in NY and experiencing the much lower than average temperature right now. I don't know enough about global warming to make an informed decision as to whether or not human behavior is contributing to global warming. However, just because we have lower than average temperatures here and there doesn't alltogether refute the theory of global warming.
The movie "The Day After Tomorrow" presented an interesting theory of global warming leading to an extreme opposite effect in NYC where there was global freezing with violent snow and ice storms. I know it's just a movie. But just making a point that lower temperatures by itself don't refute global warming any more than higher temperatures by itself can refute any claims of global cooling.
But either way, it's not stopping me from using my aerosol spray deodorants