01-25-2010 10:25 PM #1
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Censorship Victim
Censorship Victim is offline Speaker of Harsh Truths
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Default 10 Reasons I Don't Believe in the Holocaust™
This is not a copy/paste. This is an original item I have composed based on my experience researching this [censored] myth.
10 Reasons I Don't Believe in the Holocaust™
1. No pictures
Not even one. We have pictures of the Germans doing everything else--pictures they took themselves. Apparently they weren't afraid to take pictures when they were killing traitors and saboteurs. For some reason, there's one kind of killing they oddly neglected to take any pictures of at all. It's as if it never happened.
2. Fake gas chambers
Even the devout historians admit that Dachau's gas chambers were never used. Poland now admits that the Auschwitz gas chamber is a fake, "rebuilt" after the war. We know that Russians built fake gas chambers as part of their propaganda efforts. It tends to make one wonder if they might all be fake.
3. Death by Zyklon B
Zyklon B is for killing lice. It always was. Yes, you can theoretically kill people with Decon mouse poison, but it would be completely ridiculous, especially if you were trying to do it quickly and efficiently. How is stuffing a hundred people in a gas chamber for thirty minutes and then waiting a day for the gas to clear more efficient than just shooting them?
4. Errors in the millions
It has recently been "admitted" that two and a half million people who were supposedly killed at Auschwitz never were. If they can be off by millions for decades with one group of supposed victims, why not another?
5. Hoess's confession
While being held and facing execution, Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoess signed a confession admitting he killed millions more Jews than we now know he could possibly have killed. He was obviously coerced. His and all other Nazi "confessions" are not reliable evidence.
6. Ludicrous testimony
The original eyewitness accounts of Nazi "exterminations" of Jews are absurd, including stories of mechanical head-bashing machines, electrified rooms, pits of quicklime, and open fires built from nothing but freshly killed bodies. Oddly, there is almost no reference to gassings among these stories. It seems to have taken many years for the survivors to "remember" exactly what happened.
7. Faulty population figures
Using supposedly reliable sources to gauge the pre-war Jewish population of Europe, including official national census figures, encyclopedias of the time, almanacs, and similar documentary sources will yield figures ranging from under 12 to almost 18 million. Trying to do the before-and-after math approach is invalid.
8. Discarded propaganda
Other war-time propaganda about the Nazis that has since been discarded as false include stories of soap made from Jew fat, lampshades and gloves made from Jew skin, and blankets made from Jew hair. It's funny how historians are allowed to stop believing in some stupid stories, but not others.
9. Well-treated Jews
Documentary footage of the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto shows well-fed, well-clothed Jews fleeing the "concentration camp environment" the Warsaw Jews were held in for many, many months. Apparently, the Germans felt an odd responsibility to take care of these people they were supposedly planning to kill. Numerous photos show women and children in concentration camps who are well-fed and clothed, and there are numerous indications that great efforts were made to treat the sick and injured, including Ann Frank's father and Elie Wiesel's father. The only Jews who were starving were suffering from the severing of supply lines by Allied troops at the end of the war. The U.S. gathered up potential saboteurs into camps during the same war. That doesn't mean they were trying to exterminate them.
10. Profit motives
In reward for their "suffering," the Jews have received a nation that is not theirs, trillions in reparations, assistance, donations, and other aid, and have started powerful lobbying groups in almost every western nation to stifle questions, silence dissent, punish disbelievers, and promote Jewish interests. Is it really any wonder that a story with so many holes in it is religiously proclaimed true by so many otherwise rational researchers?
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01-26-2010 08:31 AM #2
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Quote Originally Posted by Censorship Victim View Post
This is not a copy/paste. This is an original item I have composed based on my experience researching this [censored] myth.
10 Reasons I Don't Believe in the Holocaust™
1. No pictures
2. Fake gas chambers
3. Death by Zyklon B
4. Errors in the millions
5. Hoess's confession
6. Ludicrous testimony
7. Faulty population figures
8. Discarded propaganda
9. Well-treated Jews
10. Profit motives
Everything you listed is not original and comes right off a hate site. You provided no research for your conclusions. What you did were to provide unsubstantiated subjective opinions.
You have demonstrated you do not know what research is, how to research, now to present researched materials, and how to then refer to those researched materials to base your conclusions.
All you have done is repeat from a hate site and try pass it off as your own.
What makes it even more hilarious is that you call yourself an expert on the holocaust.
All you are is someone who goes to hate sites, reads unresearched subjective opinions and then parrots them.
You are nothing more then a mouthpiece.
You repeat words but you have no idea what the words are about.
In response to 1 you pretend there are no pictures when there are numerous ones as well as film.
In response to 2, you pretend there is no evidence on the gas chambers and you rely on the Leuchter report which was
repudiated and denounced even by holocaust deniers.
In response to 3, you parrot the same party line as Tifa-that the gas was used for lice-you again ignore the evidence
from the survivors, liberating soldiers, Nazis, SS officers, and even the manufacturers of the gas not to mention the apperatus and
documents and documentation found.
In response to 4, you play the Auschwitz numbers game which infers because holocaust dead figures are estimates and because the numbers originally given by the Soviets were inaccurate the holocaust did not happen and all the numbers estimated are fake-your inference is illogical as it assumes rather then take into consideration the methodologies used to estimate the no. of dead in the holocaust and the fact that the total
numbers of dead in the holocaust were not determined dependent on the Soivet Union's original estimates of death at Auschwitz which no one mainstream historian ever accepted from the get go;
In response to 5, you like most holocaust deniers ignore the testimony and diaries of Hoss and all other Nazis and SS officers claiming they were all coerced-much of this information was only obtained after people like Hoss were sentenced to death and in fact were written to try rehabilitate their actions to those in the future and so if anything were self-serving-more to the point your assumptions that these tesimonies were coerced has no basis-you also ignore the fact that such testimonies were also corroborated by Nazi documentation and first hand testimony of inmates, liberating soldiers, civilians-then again you dismiss any or all evidence in documentation and first hand evidence as being fake;
In response to 6, the word "ludicrous" simply reflects your need to name call the survivors and liberating soldiers and any first hand evidence or documentation-it is a class example of how rather then look at their information and discuss the information, you do what intellectually dishonest cowards to when they can't debate the evidence-name call and try ridicule the person who states or provides the evidence-ludicrous is a term of ridicule desigend to suggest the person testifying is insane or hysterical or a liar-you judge the person providing the evidence, not the evidence itself-this is precisely what a coward does when faced with evidence they can't deal with-they stick out their tongue and name call;
In response to 7- the population figures used by social scientists to estimate the number of dead and the methodologies used to appeoximate the number of dead are well known and open to public scrutiny-these estimates have ranged fro, 5.2 to 7 million dead Jews and about 11 to 12 million in total including non Jews-anyone can find out how mainstream historians arrived at their figures and see for themselves whether the hate sites you rely on which tries to ignore these methodologies are in fact mistaken and deliberately misrepresent where these numbers were obtained from-the numbers game you try play in this technique and the Auschwitz dead numbers technique fool no one-you pretend to question the numbers but it is the entire holocaust you deny-the number questioning simply serves as the pretense to deny the entire holocaust-no mainstream historian has ever claimed the exact number of deaths from the holocaust can ever be absolutely defined-the fact it can not does not mean the holocaust did not happen;
In response to 8 you throw out a meaningless comment with no substantial basis-without knowing the specific information you refer to you of course render it impossible to respond to it;
In response to 9, you have zero proof of this and rely on subjective interpretation of certain pictures (which of course you claim in 1 do not exist)or self-serving neo Nazi subjective opinions-you engage in a technique no different then someone who says the woman he raped enjoyed the sex.
In response to 10, you engage in holocaust inversion-you try turn the victim into the victimizer engaging in the ancient Jewish anti-semitic canard in this case to suggest Jews created the holocaust to profit from it-the hate sites you rely on for this information never have any first hand evidence for such inferences which is interesting since you are the first to claim there is no first hand evidence of the holocaust.
Interestingly you limit your comments to subjective opining. Not once do you take any evidence I presented as to 1-4 or 7 in previous posts and provide evidence to the contrary.
In so doing you demonstrate the only think you are capable of is repeating the subjective opinions of others but have no idea how to discuss the evidence and point out where in the evidence you have found evidence to contradict that evidence.
You will also notice Censor aka Tifa puts on ignore anyone that provides evidence to contradict or repudiate their subjective opinions.
In their world there is one way conversation-they spew and all must agree because if you don't they simply ignore you.
Its a world where they expect people to buy their line but they have no respect for anyone else's opinions or comments.
I issue this response knowing full well Censor does not read it. The fact he ignores it proves the one point I wish to make-the handful of anti-semites that come to this thread can not discuss the issue-the best they can do is make unreferenced subjective opinions based on assumptions that what they read on a hate site is infallible and anyone who questions it is a heretic.
The problem is this heretic won't go away. Many of us won't. We won't go away. We've survived far worse then dealing with these words I now repudiate.