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Ask JTF for Sunday, June 27, 2010.

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Shalom Chaim,

1: Please shed a little light on what makes the fossilized corpse known as Larry Flynt (yimach schmo) tick. His run in 2008 was a disaster; he did not come in any better than third place in any primary, even in his supposed redoubt of South Carolina. (People just don't like voting for dead bodies that have been deceased for hundreds of years.) He did, however, manage to act as a spoiler for Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney by dividing up the conservative (although Flynt is anything but; he supported abortion at one time) vote, causing us to wind up with a "Republican" nominee who didn't want to win the election. Don't forget also that this chazir promised that if elected, he would never release the American/Israeli patriot Jonathan Pollard from jail. Please share some choice words about the two-legged tuchis known as Larry Flynt.

2: Do you fear that the Pauls and Fag Buchanus (yimach schmam) have a real chance of transforming the GOP into an anti-Semitic Nazi party?

3: Please denounce the disgusting credo/philosophy of machismo. So many people feel the need to be tough, hardcore, and "bad@ss" and more often than not it leads to anti-Semitism. I see plenty of comment boards where so-called "hardcore patriots", who take the most extreme position imaginable on every issue, feel the need to constantly bash Israel and Jews. They hate Obama on most issues but somehow they love his Middle East policy and consider attacking it to be attacking the United States itself. We all know that they only do, and get away with, this because they assume that all Jews are wimps and would never fight back. This isn't true of course, but they have the mentality of schoolyard bullies. Therefore I say that in addition to being Nazis, these clowns are a bunch of posers also.

G-d bless you, Dr. Brennan Fan

Dear Chaim, why are both the Greeks and Armenians such anti-semites? I know from history, that both groups were persecuted by the Turkish Muslim Nazis for many years and was their persecution a punishment from Hashem for their antisemitism?

Also, do you an Allah Action story for this week especially a run in with an extremely smelly Arab or Pakistani Muslim? Perphaps with flies sworning around them.

PS: I made up a little joke for you and all the JTFers to enjoy. Please read in your best schvartza accent.

Q: Why would Obama need change?
A: So he give it to his bros in Harlem.

G-d bless you, Chaim, America and Israel.

Sup Chaim?

Would you replace the names and the symbols of the State's institutions like the IDF and the Knesset?

Sincerely, Ron Ben Michael.

Dear Chaim,

What will be the effects of the BP oill spill in the golf? Do you have a story of Chaims encounter with third world episode 3 for the final part of the month? Jorje15 returns on July 16th 2010?

Ari Ben-Canaan:
Shalom Chaim!

  Can you give us a story where you had a heated confrontation with an over the top irate Arabic Muslim on the subway, or elsewhere face to face? [I now see that YemachshemotoIslam has also asked a similar question to this earlier above, perhaps you have two for this week?]

  Many celebrities usually have disappointing political views, and I must say that it is always a double disappointment when a Jewish celebrity has atrocious political views...  can you name any righteous, Judaism-loving, pro-Israel Jewish celebrities in America?
  Do you think Adam and Eve spoke Hebrew?  How about Noah?  If not what language do you think they spoke?  Did all people speak the same language until the tower of Bavel?

  Why did the Hebrew written language switch from being the original [similar to Phoenician?] Hebrew script into what I have heard called, "squared Assyrian" letters?  Or is this not true?

  At the end of WWII do you think any Nazis doctored documents to make it look like they were actually Jewish and then escaped to Israel to avoid paying for their crimes?  If yes, do you think any of these people achieved positions in Israeli government?

  Do you think treif like lobster, crabs, bacon, ham, etc... should be banned completely from Israel?  The "Orthodox Jew" Rahm Emanuel taking his family out for a "nice calamari dinner" while in Israel and sticking Israel with the bill really vexed me on a few levels.

Todah Rabah VeShavua Tov,



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