KWTBT it is a great pleasure to post with you.

You have good insight on things, and you contribute value to this community. We are enhanced by your participation. I like what you have to say.
I find it is tough to find places online where it is worth spending time debating or expressing oneself. At least where one feels they get something out of it besides strife. I do know it is tough to recant one's views, I was more liberal when I was younger, started to see the error of my ways, and I stopped debating politics with people for a few years, focused on reading and learning more of what I realized to be right, and then a few years ago started debating politics again. Its not easy for people to give up their feeling of being "right" in favor of what is actually true. Luckily for me I stayed in touch with some of the people who proved me wrong years ago, I still get good information from them, and they got to know that hammering it out with idiots occasionally pays off. -- Maybe I should remember this last point.
Sometimes I post on Facebook [I do get a lot of good news from some of the people I am "friends" with, or from the groups I belong to], it is interesting to see what some of my friends think or THEIR friends think... especially about Israel... the last guy... sheesh...
"Israel prevents people in Gaza from getting wheelchairs!!!" [blatantly false, there are numerous transference of wheelchairs to Gaza]
"Israel makes Gazans drink polluted water" [Gazans dug 3,000 illegal wells in Israel and ruined, possibly permanently, their own water table, aside from this Israel gives every drop in every treaty they have, being suckers probably more]
"Israel refuses to give Gaza electricity" [the EU stopped paying for the fuel which runs the Gaza power station,etc...
EVERY answer I gave him he was like,
"OK, but Israel does this" [with no evidence, only parroting what "Mohamed ibn Al Qaeda loves Obama KKKommunista.msnbc.KKKom" spews]... finally down to
"Israel commited piracy by taking $1,000,000 worth of video equipment of the Mavi Mavara" [this was not even half a week after the flotilla incident; as if Israel needs a million bucks worth of video equipment to pay the bills? Its called going through evidence, and what in the world would Israel gain from this equipment if piracy was the goal, EBAY it vs. world outrage? Can you be more pathetic? Talk about nipping at someones heels like a little doggie... Israel just sits around ]for people to try and get into Gaza illegally hoping they will have a million bucks worth of media gear so they can take it and sell it on the black market]...
I don't really like arguing with people if they won't participate with reason, or even somewhere near the plane of reality.
I post on news sites, but I don't go back to argue with people. Verily, things I post may be no longer standing.
I pass articles on to people who are willing to argue with people on FB, and I have some friends who are more moderate which receive articles and viewpoints from me with civility.
I think I will save up the big energy for talking to a few of the Rabbis I talk to about how Islam is as antisemitic as Nazism if not more so. If only Islam was primarily in English!! "Golden Age of Spain/Islam" my tuchis... read the Rambam.