I belive that Ethiopian Jews are true Jews, and no their not "Black Hebrews", they have also belived the Jews to be originaly Caucasiod, the term "White" is not really accurate. The Ethiopian Jews follow costumes of Hebraic origin, and even if their converts so what, many of the North African Jews are converts and some Arabs did convert to Jaudism during Dhu Nawas days. Also Ethiopian Jews are loyal to Israel, and their not [censored], their against Black Hebrews. The Black Hebrews is the same [censored] as Christian Idenity and British Israel theory. Many people here attack Black Hebrews, but also lets attack Christian Idenity and British-Israelities ideology, the black hebrews belive were only imposters, but CI belive we are the Childern of the devil and serepents. Like Cosomaker said many "Whites" will not accept Jews as White because many of us are dark skined Caucasiods and of differen cultural background, attacking Ethiopian Jews because their Black, to feel better about ones self, is infact acting like the [censored] Frakahan who attacks Whites in the same manner. When the Jews who were mostly Shepardim settled in the South , their was alot of racism agains them because of their swarathy skin color combined with Christian theological anti-Semitism.