Look who are the morons ruling European institutions :
Leftists are an ever nauseating brood. Human rights? Give me a break! Will these people fight for Germans right to wear swastika armbands? [don't answer that, I am sure they are already on the case.]

If the burka is good enough for Michael Jackson...

Banning Islamic clothing is sweet and dandy and everything, but how about banning Islam and Muslims for a
much better outcome. Back to your savage hellhole Sharia countries, no need for you to infest the free world and turn it into a Sharia hellhole as well. If that seems intolerant to Leftists, Leftists are hypocrites because Islam is the
religion of intolerance... of course the Islamic solution to dealing with factions of society they are intolerant of is death, death, and more death [and some rape if they can fit that in.].