Author Topic: German parties in the Bundestag across the board condemn Israel &support Turkey  (Read 842 times)

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“Hypocrisy and double standard immorality won the day in the Bundestag,” Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, dean and associate dean, respectively, of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, declared on Friday.

The two men, based in Los Angeles, were discussing the German parliament’s decision to criticize the Israel Navy’s May 31 seizure of ships trying to break the Gaza blockade.

The Bundestag passed a resolution unanimously late Thursday evening calling for an an independent investigation of the violence on the Mavi Marmara and an immediate end to the blockade of Gaza. The cross-party resolution slammed Israel for violating the principle of proportionality.

“We heard no such unanimity from German politicians when Hamas and Hizbullah terrorists targeted Israeli civilians, including Holocaust survivors and their families,” Hier and Cooper said. “We are not surprised that the Left Party, some of whose members support Hamas and Hizbullah and have had the audacity to liken Israel to Nazis, are in lockstep with efforts to demonize the Jewish state, but we are deeply shocked that mainstream German parties rushed to judgment by expressing support for yet another UN-led judicial lynching of Israel, even before the Middle East’s only democracy completed its own investigation.

“Israelis and friends of the Jewish state everywhere reject this outrageous ‘resolution’ – they are not interested in the world’s crocodile tears shed for victims of Hamas terrorism. Jerusalem has the right and moral obligation to protect its 6 million citizens from Hamas and Hizbullah terror and the looming nuclear threat of their sponsors in Teheran,” Hier and Cooper said.

Wolfgang Gehrcke, the Left Party’s foreign policy spokesman who has attended pro-Hamas and pro-Hizbullah rallies, told Reuters, “This marks a profound shift toward Israel in Germany.”

Three Left Party lawmakers were aboard the Mavi Marmara on May 31.

Members of parliament voiced strong support in the German media on Friday for the measure, including Phillip Missfelder, a deputy from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union who considers himself to be an advocate for Israel; deputy Rolf Mützenich from the Social Democrats, who is a member of the German-Israeli parliamentary group but also on the board of the pro-Teheran German-Iranian friendship society; and the Green Party’s deputy Kerstin Müller, also a member of the German-Israeli group.

Rainer Stinner, foreign policy spokesman for the Free Democrats, the party of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, also endorsed the resolution.

Stinner, a self-described friend of Israel, rejects sanctions against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards because it controls vast sectors of the Iranian economy and sanctions could endanger German and European economic interests.

“Germans know full well that there is only one reason why Israel was forced to impose a blockade against Gaza – Hamas. And it’s important to remember that the people of Gaza had a golden opportunity for peace after thenprime minister Sharon unilaterally withdrew from Gaza [in 2005]. Instead of embracing that opportunity, they overwhelmingly voted [in 2006] for Hamas and their Islamist extremism, suicide terror and 8,000 rockets,” the Wiesenthal Center officials said. “That was the time when the Bundestag should have weighed in with a unanimous condemnation.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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Bundestag call for Suicide OF Israel

Parties hostile ton of and critical OF Israel, namely the CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP and Greens, intend ton passport A resolution that would call for Israel ton by along the arming OF Hamas via the sea route. That would amount ton suicide for Israel.

Moreover, the following appeal for protest came in from A pi readers:


    - The politicians in Germany dominating from left ton right have something horrible in net curtain. I found out today on Deutschlandfunk message (German radio news), that according ton the SOUTH GERMAN newspaper new PAPER, four BUNDESTAG FRACTIONS intend tons vote on A resolution against ISRAEL NEXT week THE OPENING OF THE SEA ROUTE FOR GAZA, and therefore PUT the Republic OF ISRAEL more under pressure and CUT ANNOUNCE in order ton down their option OF defense even more farther.

    This is the BANKRUPTING OF GERMAN POLICY relative ton the fight against terrorism and ton at ACTIVE FRIENDSHIP with ISRAEL as opposed ton the issuing OF useless communiqués. Isn't it enough already, that A whole cunning OF German of companies already supply the Islam Nazi TIC regime OF the mullahs with strategically effective of material?

    This is catastrophic. Thesis political idiots - and emergency of under A completely false awareness due tons of UNhealthy national sentiments caused by A consistent lacquer OF information and twisting OF stories by the measure media - acres quasi RK the head OF the criminal action OF breaking through ISRAEL's blockade for the HAMAS murderers by the LEFT party, Turkish right wing extremists, and of Islamic.

    OF course, as which heard or ineffective “requirements” unobjective into the embarrassing debate some days ago that which flanked by “humanly rights” and apparently by for weapons inspections by token European friends, even in such a way our radio network of acres increasingly becoming like the of Islamic in their propaganda, and of acres thereby putting the blame for terrorism on Israel, or even pushing the cause for Jihad on them. This, more however, CAN fuel element laid directly on the Brown/Reds and milli Görüs.

    Because RK this time, as more never before, the interests OF our freedom lie more together with those OF ISRAEL's, and opposite ton those OF A degenerated policy by the German Bundestag and those OF the (post office) Stalinists, Green culturalists, and neo-Nazi, I therefore appeal ton all OF you with all OF your connections, your networking capabilities, and with PROTEST OF EVERY CHILD ton of PUT A giant Marks through this REPREHENSIBLE PRO ISLAMIC RESOLUTION on the cost sheet OF the above mentioned fractions that is tons of fuel element marked RK the cost OF ISRAEL more under the phony flag OF peace or OF seeming supply aid - or that make wants for more better competition against more other powers in (the oil) business.

    Use the remaining days and hours for visits, phone calls, fax - and especially tons your local politicians - and for possibly appearing in open of protest in order ton prevent this DISGRACE for German disgrace IN THE BUNDESTAG from eventually becoming A policy and at act OF betrayal against ISRAEL.

    - WHOEVER CAN or lives CLOSE enough, go visit the Bundestag!

    - I thus ask for suggestions and for you ton use your Internet intelligence and networking capabilities ton the maximum!

    HamaS Supporters - GET out OF the Bundestag! NO multiCULTURal protection for Islamic! NO BETRAYAL OF ISRAEL and our freedom for OIL!

    Yes ton the greening OF the desert; NO ton the Green/Black/Red of policies OF Islamic immigration! If incoming goods don't learn tons defend ISRAEL here and tackle the issue now, there wants fuel element hardly A chance against Jihad!

    The security risk and Ahmadini network chat Friend, known as TURKEY, must leave NATO! Islamic and Islam friends GET out OF the town center councils and “integration” estblishments!

    ISRAEL, Mazel Tov!

    Bertha thick, on individually
    [email protected]

(Translation: Differently thinking)
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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How German of them.

Offline Ulli

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How German of them.

Something is wrong in their heads. I would have never expected the CDU and FDP to vote for something like that. It is totally irrational.
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