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Ask MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "Brunette or Blond wimmenz ?"

I prefer redheads, then brunettes.     :P   :o

Hello MassahDGoodName.

What is your profession?  If you don't mind my asking.

Massuh how did you get such a great sense of humor, and how did you learn the truth about the negro beast?

Re:  "Massuh how did you get such a great sense of humor, and how did you learn the truth about the negro beast? "

Well...many if not most are quite "put off" and upset by what I consider my "sense of humor", so I thank you for not taking offense at it.  Mostly I share my Dad's sense of humor, augmented by my own life experience.  I consider my Dad's humor to be by-and-large the typical European Jewish "dark" humor which arose in the ghettos and shtetls of Europe, whereby Jews learned to make laughter at each and every nightmare which life presented them. "sense of humor" is very likely the unhealthy byproduct of a 2,000 year long Exile, as I have a feeling that the original Jews of ancient times had about as much a sense of humor as do the Taliban.  By the way, my Dad HATES my sense of humor and never misses a chance to lecture me on how offensive I am to everyone!

There is much about Negroes which I like -- in particular I think they have an innate sense of genius at comedy as well as all things rhythmic, such as dance and music.  As a young boy, I was raised in the segregationist Old South by a Black Nanny [we referred to them as "Black Maids back then] who was more or less my "Second Mom", and a most loving and caring person.  Reaching puberty at the time of the Civil Rights struggles, it seemed only natural to side with the people who were obviously being mistreated and "held back" in life.  At that time Jews in the South also very much felt the "sting" of resentment and ostracism in all areas of social life, although there never was any "official State-sponsored" anti-Semitism, and Jews managed to make a livelihood and generally succeed in life within the confines and limitations of a very small community.  Negroes in general were much better behaved and better bred in those days, and were not allowed to participate in life except within their own 'apartheid' like communities.  That made it very easy to accept the "propaganda" about how they were no different than anyone else other than skin color, and that they would pose no threat to anyone if turned loose.  Most Jews wanted to support them because we thought there was a sense of shared 'oppression and discrimination' by the majority population which 'bonded' us as natural allies.
However, I do vividly remember my Grandmother from "the Old Country", with her thick Yiddish accent warning us "If it wasn't for those schwartzes being around to serve as scapegoats, they'd turn on us Jews just like they did in Europe!"  Prophetic words which didn't register with us at the time. 
Anyway, jumping ahead a generation, it became all too painfully obvious that human nature is the same all over the world and obeys certain "Rules" of behavior:
Once a minority population becomes the majority, it always turns against any and all other groups having made up the former majority, and if not actually oppresses them, then at the least remodels all cultural values to suit itself.  This holds especially true when former allies and friends which aided and supported a minority group suddenly find themselves in the role of the minority.
So, eventually it became apparent to all but the most willfully blind Jews that the Negroes had betrayed and deceived us, and now could be counted among our most dangerous enemies!  Add to that the fact that all of a sudden the peaceful placid servant underclass, turned loose on society with the mere 'stroke of a pen', immediately became a plague of overbreeding, undereducated, welfare class of crack Ho's, murderers, rapists, and foul-mouthed jungle savages with guns, knives, and AIDS; now blaming the Jews for all of their problems!  They literally destroyed every single city in the country; creating a new phenomenon called "White Flight to the Suburbs".
In addition, over the past twenty years I've worked for several Negro employers, as well as hired my own Negro employees, and in all but one case found myself suddenly immersed in a dark, evil, subculture of unintelligent, self-defeating morons, who can't do right even if it's "handed to them on a silver platter"!
They run their mouths non-stop with foul profanity and lies, are always late and lazy, incapable of making sound judgements, do everything in a stupid inefficient manner, take drugs all the time, and they get away with it only because everyone's been intimidated and frightened into saying anything truthful about them for fear of being called a "racist" in public.
And there's more...the longer one knows them, the more apparent it becomes that their problems are inherently genetic in nature and do not improve over time.  Yes, I know what Judaism teaches about this, but I also know what I have experienced and seen and learned the hard way out in the streets:
They are an incorrigible race of reprobates, and as Rabbi Kahane once so eloquently stated, "They are the eternal malcontents"..."because they have a 'condition'." 

Re:  "What is your profession?  If you don't mind my asking "

Arts & Entertainment is how it's classified these days.

Use of the term "Profession" might be a bit of hyperbole!


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