The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Allah, the truth revealed
--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:53:42 PM ---You are again generalizing. Because a country or region from which a person comes from is not known for greatness you prejudge those people. The Western civilization is responsible for creating this mess.
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You're right. Creating civilization and norms for civilized behavior is indeed a mess.
Buenos dias amigo. Ojala que tu eres incorrecto. De donde estas?
Allah wills what be done and there can be no alternative. Read this passage from the Quaran:
"What is this jihad?" Kaleb, son of Sayyid
"It is a vast Islamic army which has converted countless men. Now, it comes here to spread the Quaran." Muhammad
(Upon the Muslims approaching the Galilee)
--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:55:15 PM ---What would a Westerner know about Allah or Muslims?
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9/11 said a lot about Islam.
De donde estoy? Estoy en Mecca, la ciudad de Allah.
--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:59:32 PM ---De donde estoy? Estoy en Mecca, la ciudad de Allah.
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Porque sabe hablar espanol?
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