The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Allah, the truth revealed

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"We never paid heed to the ancient prophecies.  Like fools, we clung to the old hatreds.  Until the day the sky reigned Muslims and a new enemy came among us.  We now stand upon the brink of destruction, for the reign of Allah has come, at last."


--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:32:32 PM ---"We never paid heed to the ancient prophecies.  Like fools, we clung to the old hatreds.  Until the day the sky reigned Muslims and a new enemy came among us.  We now stand upon the brink of destruction, for the reign of Allah has come, at last."

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Interesting. What now?

According to verses from the Quaran, there is a cycle which occurs every so years.  This cycle determines the new 'Allah'.  Allah in truth is a human who has an insatisable taste for other human flesh, and is forced to consume all humans until there is onyl one left.  After consuming enough when only one humans is alive, Allah blows up and the last person alive is the new Allah, the cycle continously repeating.  (Those that were eaten are returned back with no memory of being eaten).  Food carts pour to Allah daily. 

A great beam of light is in Mecca (from Allah's paradise to the Kaba), and inside the Kaba is Muhammad, sewing Turbans of Power.  Three Turbans of Power to the Muslim Lords, seven to the great Rabbis, and nine Turbans of Power to nine Christian kings who above all else desired power.  In secret, Muhammed sewed a master Turban to rule all others.  The War of the Muslim had begun. 


--- Quote from: Allah on May 18, 2007, 09:37:05 PM ---According to verses from the Quaran, there is a cycle which occurs every so years.  This cycle determines the new 'Allah'.  Allah in truth is a human who has an insatisable taste for other human flesh, and is forced to consume all humans until there is onyl one left.  After consuming enough when only one humans is alive, Allah blows up and the last person alive is the new Allah, the cycle continously repeating.  (Those that were eaten are returned back with no memory of being eaten).  Food carts pour to Allah daily. 

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Do you think the Koran is a good representative of what Islam stands for?


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