This filthy animal who comes from a third world dump Venezuela which is one of the poorest how ever the 5th largest oil export in the world.
Now I think George Bush stink and is a RINO yes but for this animal from Venezuela saying at that dump called th U.N. "The Soviet Union fell now it is time (quote) IMPERIAL United States to fall and it will happen" God help us if the U.S. falls cause this new world order creatrues are looking nothing more then to have the U.S. to sink and flush in the toilet. Chavez who gone kiss butt with the Iranian midget leader, kiss butt with Hezbowal and kiss butt with Fidel Castro. Now this topic was difficult to put whether on the New World Order Crises or Energy Independence. Cause really this falls under both if we were energey independent we would tell Chavez and the Arab vomit what they can do with their oil (like drinking and drowning in it). And this also falls into the new world order that the multi national corperations are selling us out. Groups like Exxon Mobil and Boing and auto industries as well as the U.N. which has never shown favor to the United States or Israel. The same U.N. that had communists, nazi and muslims who all favor the one new world order.