
Should the moderators set up an official policy for warning and banning people?

Yes. People should be clearly warned before they are banned
14 (48.3%)
Yes. Banning should be a collaborative effort.
12 (41.4%)
No. The current system is fine.
2 (6.9%)
No. Ordinary posters should have no input.
1 (3.4%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Poll: Should there be an official policy for warning and banning people?  (Read 10678 times)

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Offline DownwithIslam

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Whatever, if anything you do will save righteous lives then I believe it should be done. Raping a muslim woman is straight out beastiality. I agree that raping anyone should never be done. Killing every last muslim is something that should be done though.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Shlomo

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I think the obvious issue that is being overlooked is that I temporarily banned him for 2 days until it was discussed with the others in which I already had a thread with the other administrators and moderators. Since you can't see this thread, you couldn't know.

The ban was not even a complete ban... it was only a ban on posts. Again... it was set for 2 days.

It was decided in that thread that it should be a week. I changed it to a week. He tried to hijack the ban and come back in to post a completely new thread, and this doesn't say anything to you? This should be ok? I mean... even if I was wrong (which I believe was the right thing to do), is this the way to handle a temporary ban on posts? He could still log in, send private messages, read the forums... all while it was being discuss in a diplomatic fashion.

If someone came into this forum and saw that it was ok to rape people... anyone... would you have stayed or taken it seriously? And what about the legal implications? Have you thought about that?

Chaimfan... using Chaim's name in his nick, needs to realize that what he says can be construed to any new poster as JTF's position on a matter. And if we allowed this... then what do you think the chances are it would happen again or with more frequency?

Do you honestly think I LIKE banning someone? Especially a long time poster?
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline genteelgentile

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I think Jeff just said it all in the previous post... MOVE ON!!!
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

Offline Sarah

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But didn't G-d cause hurricane Katrina? I mean He controls the weather doesn't He?.....Or is there something im missing? :-\


That's one way of looking at it. But was it really a punishment for the Gaza withdrawal? Was it really a punishment aimed at evil blacks, as some here say it was? How do you know?

We don't.