Implications of the new conversion law, if passed: 1. The financial contributions of Reform and Conservative Jews to Israel, 70% of American Jewry, will become greatly reduced. 2. Many converts, even Orthodox, could see their conversions nullified by the Rabbinate. 3. Most Diaspora Rabbis, even Orthodox, Hasidic and Haredi, aren't on the approved conversions list of the Israeli Rabbinate.
Changes that Israel must make if the law is passed: 1. Increase the number of Orthodox rabbis in the diaspora that are approved for conversions.
2. Increase the number of places and programs in Israel that are approved for conversions. 3. Hire more rabbis to staff these new conversion programs. 4. Religious kibbutzim will now accept converts from overseas into their conversion programs, rather than just new immigrants. 5. Israel should create a new visa category especially for people who want to come to Israel to convert to Judaism ad live there permanently.
I was born Jewish, but all the converts that I've known seem to love Judaism and Israel much more than natural born Jews. They diligently observe the holidays and traditions, and make a point about passing down the traditions to their children. This is why I think Israel should do everything possible to show that it supports and welcomes Jewish converts who wish to make their home there.