Author Topic: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding  (Read 3760 times)

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Offline muman613

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2010, 01:30:58 AM »
The majority of people who have HIV/AIDS have procured it willingly [as opposed to smaller groups of rape victims, and children who are born from mothers who have gotten it].  Sex acts and inter-venous drug use are the #1 ways of procuring the HIV virus.  It is wrong to prioritize this groups disease over diseases which manifest in people randomly who through no direct act suffer from disease, and in higher numbers.  Why should society at large pay for the direct consequences of people who voluntarily engage in vice lifestyles?  If people feel a passion in fighting the HIV virus, let them donate their own money willingly.

I agree with this... But once we solve Cancer and other killer diseases we should also provide relief for all who suffer.
I think I agree with you.  Also, if we had unlimited resources and manpower I would be less opposed to focusing on HIV as an immediate problem [unlike now where we have limited resources and need to prioritize what is "smart" to cure].  I would also hope that decreasing the possible negative consequences of engaging in vice would not lead to people feeling more at ease in immersing themselves into immorality.

Excellent point... I am not suggesting that by curing it we should take away the negative consequences of the abominable behavior. But I am saying that giving people a chance at repentence could have a beneficial outcome.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2010, 04:40:04 AM »
Muman, not every sin can be forgiven. Hitler, Muhammad, Stalin and any other murderer of our people will never be forgiven. A Gentile who murdered a Jew will never be forgiven and should be killed. If a Jew truely repents on murdering another Jew (only one), he can do Teshuva but his atonement will be death.

About evil (truly evil and not Tinokot She'nishbu or Captured Babies).

..אנו חייבים להבטיח ולהוכיח לעצמנו שנעקור את המתייוונים מתוכנו ,בע"ה, וזה עיקר המלחמה "בימים ההם ובזמן הזה". גם אז עיקר המלחמה הייתה במתייוונים ולא ביוונים, וגם בימינו הבעיה היא לא הערבים אלא יוסי שריד, וחובה ומצווה לומר "יימח שמו וזכרו". חובה לומר זאת "כה תאמר".  זה ההבדל בינינו לבין כל השאר...


We should promise and prove ourselves that we will take out the Hellenists, and that's the main part of the War: "In Those days and in this time". Also then the main part of the War was against the Hellenists and not the Greeks, same in our days.. The problem is not the Arabs but Yossi Sarid, and it's an obligation and a Mitvah to say "Yimach Shmo U'zichro". It's an obligation to say so "Ko Tomar". That's the difference between us and all the rest...

Raul, Karaites are mostly Safek Yehudim (doubtly Jewish) - not Jews nor Gentiles.

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2010, 08:12:32 AM »
If we didn't had so many homosexuals and drug addicts around, AIDS wouldn't have been a problem in America.

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2010, 08:59:47 AM »
Great job, Abben!

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2010, 09:24:35 AM »
But once we solve Cancer and other killer diseases we should also provide relief for all who suffer.
Muman, at current funding levels cancer is going to take hundreds of years to defeat. There are thousands of different kinds of it, each with their own separate pathology, that will have to be dealt with. Even the simplest cancers (those caused by UV or viral damage to skin tissues, such as the various skin cancers and cervical cancer) are still pretty difficult to deal with, depending on how advanced they are. We have not discovered anything that will make cancer cells die except invasive surgery and whole-body poisoning (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.). At the core level controlling cancer is like controlling the choices that every single human being makes in their lives, because essentially every cell's DNA has "free will" and can "choose" to go bad at any time.

Or, just look at breast cancer, one of the commonest of all cancers, which has numerous different causes and variants. There are dozens of kinds of breast cancer alone. Yeah we have succeeded in bringing down the death rate from it some thanks to aggressive early screenings and radical surgery, but have we come close to preventing it, reducing the incidence of it, or controlling it through non-drastic means? No to all of the above.

In short I think we are many, many lifetimes removed from any degree of victory over cancer, and that is assuming that we drastically increase our funding for research.

Offline muman613

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #30 on: July 30, 2010, 04:07:02 PM »
Muman, not every sin can be forgiven. Hitler, Muhammad, Stalin and any other murderer of our people will never be forgiven. A Gentile who murdered a Jew will never be forgiven and should be killed. If a Jew truely repents on murdering another Jew (only one), he can do Teshuva but his atonement will be death.

About evil (truly evil and not Tinokot She'nishbu or Captured Babies).

..אנו חייבים להבטיח ולהוכיח לעצמנו שנעקור את המתייוונים מתוכנו ,בע"ה, וזה עיקר המלחמה "בימים ההם ובזמן הזה". גם אז עיקר המלחמה הייתה במתייוונים ולא ביוונים, וגם בימינו הבעיה היא לא הערבים אלא יוסי שריד, וחובה ומצווה לומר "יימח שמו וזכרו". חובה לומר זאת "כה תאמר".  זה ההבדל בינינו לבין כל השאר...


We should promise and prove ourselves that we will take out the Hellenists, and that's the main part of the War: "In Those days and in this time". Also then the main part of the War was against the Hellenists and not the Greeks, same in our days.. The problem is not the Arabs but Yossi Sarid, and it's an obligation and a Mitvah to say "Yimach Shmo U'zichro". It's an obligation to say so "Ko Tomar". That's the difference between us and all the rest...

Raul, Karaites are mostly Safek Yehudim (doubtly Jewish) - not Jews nor Gentiles.


Review the story of Acher and talk to me about this...
The Gemara (Chagiga 15a) tells the tragic story of Elisha ben Avuya - also known as "Acher" - who after many years as a renowned Torah scholar, lost his faith, and began to sin. One of Acher's greatest disciples had been the great Talmudic sage Rabbi Meir. The Talmud relates that even after his rebbe, Acher, had abandoned his Judaism, Rabbi Meir continued to visit him, partly in order to try to bring him back.

Once, Rabbi Meir said to his rebbe: "What is the meaning of that which is written (Iyov/Job 28:17), 'Gold and crystal cannot equal it, nor can it be exchanged with golden vessels?'"

"This refers," said Acher, "to the words of Torah, which are as difficult to acquire as gold, and as easy to lose as crystal is to break!"

"No!" said Rabbi Meir, "your rebbe, Rabbi Akiva, did not explain it like that. Rather, he said, 'Just like vessels of gold and crystal, even if they broke, can always be fixed (even crystal can be reheated and re-formed) - so too, even the greatest Torah scholar, if he has done wrong, can still repent!' Rebbe," pleaded Rabbi Meir, "relent from your ways!"

"Impossible!" said Acher, "I can not return. For from behind the [heavenly] partition I have heard [the voice of G-d] proclaiming (Yirmiyahu/Jeremiah 3:14), 'Return, O wayward sons - except for Acher!' [Evidently, I am beyond repentance.]"

Even so, the Gemara relates, Rabbi Meir continued [unsuccessfully] to hound his rebbe, pleading with him to repent. Did Rabbi Meir not believe in Acher's heavenly voice? Can one indeed sin to the point where he is "beyond teshuva?"

The short answer is: Yes, one can pervert his life so badly that the Gates of Teshuva are closed in his face. One can, so to speak, sin to the point of "no return." Indeed, this is precisely what occurred with Acher. The heavenly voice was proof that his teshuva was no longer acceptable.

Yet, asks Agra de-Pirka, what would have been if, after the initial shock of hearing the heavenly proclamation "Return, O wayward sons - except for Acher," Elisha would have said to himself: "So what! Perhaps they can prevent me from entering the Garden of Eden, but they can't stop me from trying to salvage my wretched life! I will do my best to repent. If my teshuva will not be accepted - so be it. At least I will know that I have not lived out my last days wallowing in the disgust of my own sin!" Would his teshuva indeed have been thrown in his face?

Acher is brilliant, and not easily swayed.13 Entrenched in his position, he does not budge. But he is not only brilliant, he has a wonderful excuse: G-d does not want him back. He has heard a Heavenly Voice; he, who has seen heaven with his own eyes and heard a voice from heaven speak directly to him, feels the path back to heaven is forever closed. Rabbi Meir does not concur; he waits, looking for an opening to cajole and bring back his wayward teacher.14

    Our Rabbis taught: Once Acher was riding on a horse on the Shabbat, and R. Meir was walking behind him to learn Torah from him. Said [Acher] to him: Meir, turn back, for I have already measured by the paces of my horse that thus far extends the Shabbat limit.15 He replied: You, too, go back! [Acher] answered: Have I not already told you that I have already heard from behind the Veil: 'Return ye mischievous children' - all except Acher.

Acher's excuse of "hearing voices" is not easily countered, but Rabbi Meir apparently does not believe this edict. He looks for another way to gain insight into the judgment of Heaven, for Rabbi Meir believes Heaven always leaves room for return. He continues to look for a sign, an understanding, an open window that will allow his teacher to regain his "place at the table." He turns to an "oracle" of sorts, travelling with his teacher from one study hall to then next, seeking the spark of divine spirit possessed by pure, innocent children engrossed in Torah learning:

    [R. Meir] grabbed him and took him, to a schoolhouse. [Acher] said to a child: Recite for me thy verse![The child] answered: 'There is no peace, said the Almighty, unto the wicked' (Yishaiyahu 48:22). He then took him to another schoolhouse. [Acher] said to a child: Recite for me thy verse! He answered: 'For though you wash yourself with nitre, and take much soap, yet your iniquity is marked before Me, said the Almighty G-d (Yirmiyah 2:22). He took him to yet another schoolhouse, and [Acher] said (Talmud - Chagigah 15b) to a child: Recite for me thy verse! He answered: 'And you, that are spoiled, what do you, that you clothe yourself with scarlet, that you bedeck yourself with ornaments of gold, that you enlarge your eyes with paint? In vain do you make yourself fair… (Yirmiyahu 4:30). He took him to yet another schoolhouse until he took him to thirteen schools; all of them quoted in similar vein. When he said to the last one, 'Recite for my thy verse,' he answered: But unto the wicked G-d said: 'What have you to do to declare My statutes?( Tehilim 50:16). That child was a stutterer, so it sounded as though he answered: 'But to Elisha G-d said'. Some say that [Acher] had a knife with him, and he cut him up and sent him to the thirteen schools; and some say that he said: 'Had I a knife in my hand I would have cut him up.'

One after the other, the children deliver a disturbing, even ominous message of despair to Acher: his soul is sullied and cannot be cleansed. Acher, tormented by his own demons, vents his anger on the innocent. Had he merely threatened violence and abused the child verbally, the narrative would be upsetting, and our estimation of Acher greatly reduced. But the Talmud considers the possibility that Acher actually murdered the thirteenth child and sent his remains to the others as some type of ominous warning of his own.

Ron, obviously I am only talking about a Jew who wants to do Teshuva... Even if they are guilty of Shabbat desecration, murder, and other transgressions there is a chance that their soul will be forgiven if they only repent of their evil..

Once again enemies of the Jewish people will not be forgiven.. And I agree that we should curse all enemies of the Jews every day, as Rabbi Kahane {Zt''l} so beautifully said.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 04:22:04 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2010, 08:02:45 AM »
 Abben, we all know that you are one of the people on this forum that will do anything he/she can to engender a hatred of homosexuals and ask questions on ask JTF that will induce the kind of response you got

Many of the diseases Chaim describes: heart disease and diabetes for example can be successfully medically managed.  Many people with these diseases unfortunately do not follow doctor's (REPEATED) orders and keep engaging in the same behaviors that wind them back again in the hospital.  Should we not pay for these people's hospitalizations?  Why not?  Most of these folks are wantonly overweight and do not seem to care when they are counselled time and again about weight loss and diet.  No one accuses these people of bankrupting our health system.   When they go into renal failure from diabetes and need transplants, no one is saying what Chaim is saying here about HIV--no one   From a financial point of view these illnesses which are far more common and very responsive to treatment are more devastating to the financial backbone of our health care system than HIV or any STD for that matter. 

THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE PROMISCUOUS and thinking the government will take care of them--of course not.  The point here is let's not be selective in the behaviors we choose to criticize. 

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2010, 09:40:08 AM »
Dr Brenan. No matter if real nazis were perhps more commnunist than right-wings. neo-nazis of today are pro-right-wing. Now, if we ask some (not all) religious Gentile rightists about why some people were killed by AIDS, they would reply that it was because they did abominations. If we ask them where is their soul now, they would probably reply that they don't know. But if we ask them where is the soul of the Jewish martirs who were murdered for keeping their faith, they would reply that they are in Hell for keeping the wrong religion.
No. The Nazis of today are like the original fascists, leftists but with an added racial element. The Nazis of today are allies of the radical left at every turn.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2010, 09:43:31 AM »
Abben, we all know that you are one of the people on this forum that will do anything he/she can to engender a hatred of homosexuals and ask questions on ask JTF that will induce the kind of response you got

Many of the diseases Chaim describes: heart disease and diabetes for example can be successfully medically managed.  Many people with these diseases unfortunately do not follow doctor's (REPEATED) orders and keep engaging in the same behaviors that wind them back again in the hospital.  Should we not pay for these people's hospitalizations?  Why not?  Most of these folks are wantonly overweight and do not seem to care when they are counselled time and again about weight loss and diet.  No one accuses these people of bankrupting our health system.   When they go into renal failure from diabetes and need transplants, no one is saying what Chaim is saying here about HIV--no one   From a financial point of view these illnesses which are far more common and very responsive to treatment are more devastating to the financial backbone of our health care system than HIV or any STD for that matter. 

THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE PROMISCUOUS and thinking the government will take care of them--of course not.  The point here is let's not be selective in the behaviors we choose to criticize. 
We still have no way to cure or even prevent Type 1 diabetes, a horrible genetic disease in which the immune system decides to destroy the pancreas of (usually) very young children. T1D is about 10% of diabetes today if I am not mistaken. Likewise many forms of heart disease are hereditary or purely a matter of the aging process and not a person's fault. Why should HIV receive precedence over them?

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Re: I made another video on why we need to end hiv/aids funding
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2010, 10:34:16 AM »
Dr. BrennanFan, I agree with you 1000 percent. 

     HIV should absolutely NOT take precedence over them.  Most diabetics, as you correctly note, are Type II.  The morbidity from this disease is almost entirely preventable, as it is for people who develop Cardiac disability from diseases like idiopathic hypertension which accounts for more than 90 percent of all people who have high blood pressure.  It has been my and my colleagues very unfortunate experience that it is the rare rare pt who actually says, "Yes, doc, help me lose weight."  Much more common, and this is the fault of the medical establishment in part, is the pt. for whom we just keep increasing the Lipitor or the Blood pressure med that they are on.
     I agree, people who engage in unpprotected sex with unknown partners are doing themselves and society a disservice, but where I disagree is in the belief that they deserve to suffer.  There are some people on this forum that seem overly enthusiastic at the prospect of certain people suffering, albeit indirectly.  These people are not people who want to harm them or make their lives difficult, but strangers.  There is something about that kind of disposition that I find very evil.
     I agree that people must be encouraged through every means possible to prevent their acquisition of a disease.  But if they get the disease, I dont then say, "well tough luck on you, you asked for it, you deserve it, I'm glad you got it anyway because you are a bad person and only bad people get what is coming to them."  If we adapt that kind of attitude, I dont know where we will be as a civiliazation.  This doesn't mean, "anything goes,"  far from it.  You help someone develop a moral life, you don't try to destroy them for not having one.

  Thank you for your question and the spirit in which it was asked.