Author Topic: Tenn Gov Ron Ramsey Speaks Truth about Islam - Gets slammed for it...  (Read 575 times)

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This story gives a little hope that we can resist this dark force of Islam... If only we could get more support for these views then maybe we have a fighting chance for keeping America American and prevent the Islamification of America.

NASHVILLE — Comments by Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey  suggesting that Islam might be a cult and that Muslims might not qualify for constitutionally guaranteed religious freedoms drew criticism from Islamic groups Tuesday and an eruption of national media attention.

Ramsey, a Republican candidate for governor, said at a mid-July campaign event in Chattanooga that he is "all about freedom of religion," which is guaranteed by the First Amendment.

"But you cross the line when they start trying to bring Sharia law into the United States," he said. "Now you could even argue whether being a Muslim is actually a religion, or is it a nationality, a way of life or cult, whatever you want to call it? We do protect our religions, but at the same time, this is something that we are going to have to face."

There are approximately 1.2 billion Muslims in the world and 7 million in the United States, according to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Ibrahim Hooper, that organization's national communications director, called Ramsey's comments "part of an unfortunate trend in our society."

"There's a vocal minority promoting the idea that if you can delegitimize Islam, you can deny American Muslims their religious and constitutional rights," Hooper said Tuesday.

The flap, which caught the eye of several national blogs and news organizations Tuesday, comes one week before the Republican gubernatorial primary on Aug. 5 during a Tennessee campaign season in which opinions on Islam have at times dominated the debate.

Opponents of a new mosque planned in Murfreesboro, Tenn., including GOP congressional candidate Lou Ann Zelenik, have said it shouldn't be allowed because they believe Muslims are dangerous. But the land is zoned for religious use, and the building plan is moving forward. Public opposition forced the withdrawal of a rezoning plan for a mosque proposed in Brentwood, however, and an Antioch mosque proposal is facing resistance.

Ramsey's Republican rivals, Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and U.S. Rep. Zach Wamp, tried to steer clear of the controversy Tuesday.

"The mayor's faith is very important to him, and he respects the right of others to practice their faith, so long as they are respectful of the communities in which they live and the laws of the land," Haslam campaign spokesman Dave Smith said in an e-mail.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 10:31:42 AM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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Here are some of the benefits of Sharia law...  :::D
Sharia in America
By Ayesha Ahmed

Omar M. Ahmad founder of CAIR said:"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant" he said. "The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America , and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth," he said.

Americans should give a serious thought to CAIR's agenda.. If Islam and sharia is adopted in America , It will be great. .

Muslims are right. Non of the existing Islamic countries are truly Islamic, that is why they don't progress and most of them are poor, corrupt and miserable. We must implement  100% sharia and sunna to get full benefits of Islam. Inshallah we will try to do it in USA to make it the first real Muslim country after the days of rightly guided khalifas Consider the following advantages:

- America can go to jihad against non Muslim countries. It will bring immense wealth in booty and millions of captured women. Canada and Mexico can be easy targets and are conveniently located for easy assault and hauling of booty.

-Since slavery will be allowed  government can open  slave  markets to sell it's  20%  share of the captured women.

-Captured women/slave-girls  can provide affordable domestic help for house wives and clean enjoyable sex for their husbands.

-Enslaved  men can  be used as farm labor and factory workers at a much  lower cost than unionized labor.

-Unemployed men  from the prohibited non Islamic businesses like TV, Photography, computers, mortgage companies, music industry etc can be hired as religious police for the Ministry of Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtues . They can be used to  beat up women violating burqa laws, arrest men with undersize beards and whip the non religious types found loitering at prayer times.

-Since men will be allowed four wives and unlimited number of slave girls, population boom will result in  making the fastest growing religion grow even faster.

-All non muslims will live under dhimmi rules and pay heavy Jizya. Budget deficits will be a thing of the past.

Stoning of adulterers, whipping of alcohol drinkers, cutting of hands and feet of thieves and  beheadings of apostates can be carried out after Juma prayers on Fridays in the local stadium. Gate charge for this gory and exciting weekly spectacle can generate a lot of revenue.

-Unemployed male gynecologists can be hired to carry out   circumcisions of new male converts. 

-Female circumcision can  be made mandatory to promote piety and holiness and discourage lewdness  among women.

-Marriage age for girls can be lowered to 6 years. That will reduce the burden of support of large poorer families and also promote a sunna, the tradition set by the holy prophet (peace be up on him).

-Whole  Ramadan will be declared as public holidays so that every one can pray and recite the Quran.. Why work in the only month in which all ibadah and Quran recitals are worth 70 times the normal sawab (reward)?.

-Shia Muslims on temporary out of town business assignments will be able to do a temporary marriage (Muta)  and enjoy home comfort outside of home.

-Since menstruation is a disease according to Quran all menstruating women will be given time off to rest in bed during their periods.

-All toilet seats in the public rest rooms will be reoriented so that one does not defecate facing Mecca .

-All public toilets will have buckets of stones instead of toilet tissues for  claiming after defecation as a movement to implement sunna in the  country.

-Separate bins along roadside will be placed to drop bones and dried animal feces for jins to snack on.

-Spiraling medical costs can be brought down by the following two prong approaches:

    -Imams can be placed in the clinics to recite Quranic ayas (verses) and blow on  the patients and pray for them . Their fee will be a fraction of what doctor's charge.

    - All pharmacies will be required to dispense black cumin, honey, Indian incense and camel urine as cure for all diseases as recommended by the holy prophet (pbuh). The cost will be a fraction of today's medicines.

-Spiralling prison costs will come down due to the following:

    -All men serving time for the  crime of  rape will be freed if four male witnesses had not testified in the trial. Even if  four male witnesses had testified, the criminal will  be freed under insanity provision , since  only mentally insane will rape in front of four witnesses.

    -All men serving sentences for beating wives will be freed as under new American sharia law wife beating will be allowed.

    -All thieves will be freed after cutting their hands and feet.

    -All pedophiles will be freed as sex with children will not be against law any more.

    -All slayers of unbelievers will be freed if they converted to Islam.

All these result in savings and prosperity and happiness for all. InshaAllah!
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline arksis

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God bless him for speaking the truth! I just wish people would wake the hell up about all this! It IS a cult! >:(
---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
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G-d bless him for speaking the truth! I just wish people would wake the hell up about all this! It IS a cult! >:(

And a deadly one at that.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision