Author Topic: Clinton Judge Yanks Teeth on SB 1070  (Read 1279 times)

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Clinton Judge Yanks Teeth on SB 1070
« on: July 29, 2010, 06:02:29 PM »

By Darla Dawald 07/28/2010

Today, Judge Bolton, a Clinton appointee, in Arizona ruled to take the teeth out of the new SB 1070 Law with an injunction against parts of the bill. According to the ruling, the police may not ask for proof of
citizenship unless the individual(s) is actually arrested on another issue nor
do legal immigrants have to carry their papers with them.  I find this ruling interesting because the
Federal law states that immigrants must carry their papers, yet the police are
being barred from enforcing this policy.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, according to Fox News stated, "We don't wait.
We just do it," he said. "If there's a new law out, we're going to
enforce it."

According to this article at Fox News, Judge Bolton struck down four sections of the law, the ones that opponents called the most controversial. I ask, “Controversial to who-the legal citizens of the United
States?“ Bolton said she was putting those sections on hold until the courts
resolve the issues. The ruling said the Obama administration, which sought the
injunction, is likely to "succeed on the merits" in showing the above
provisions are preempted by federal law.  "The court by no means
disregards Arizona's interests in controlling illegal immigration and
addressing the concurrent problems with crime including the trafficking of
humans, drugs, guns, and money," the ruling said. "Even though
Arizona's interests may be consistent with those of the federal government, it
is not in the public interest for Arizona to enforce preempted laws."

As American citizens we have been asked in MANY situations to prove our citizenship.  You must apply for a social security number to apply for a legal job or to open a bank
account, to start school we must provide a birth certificate, for immunizations
or to write a check, and the list continues on and on. A few months ago I had
to register a vehicle and so I went to the local Department of Motor Vehicles.
I was speaking with the representative that assisted me and somehow the subject
of illegals came up. She stated that since Janet Napolitano was governor a law
was grandfathered in that basically states that the State employees at the DMV
cannot harass suspected illegals or known illegals that are applying for a
drivers license. She stated that even if the applicant stated flat out they are
illegal that they cannot deny them a driver’s license or require more
documentation as that will be a sign of harassment. The last comment she made
to me stated that they (the DMV) are harder on legal citizens than on the
illegal aliens.

The other day I viewed a video on you tube by a group referred to as the brown berets who were counter protesting those standing with Arizona on the new law (which incidentally mirrors Federal law).  I was dumbfounded as I heard her exclaim on
the megaphone that America does not belong to the whites it belongs to Mexico
and the whites should go back to Europe.
Excuse me?  Then today after
hearing this ruling I recognize that perhaps this America does belong to Mexico
after all.

It amazes me that anything we so called “whites” do is considered racism and we, the horrible racists are turning this country upside down.  Furthermore, as I read and listen
to this vitriol in the media, I cannot help but ask how anyone with any
semblance of sanity cannot see this for what it is? We know the mainstream
media will always attempt to blacklist the movement (oops is that a racial
slur?) or attempt to turn this around as the main motivation for the entire
movement.  Meanwhile, the New Black
Panthers, Brown Berets, La Raza,  SEIU,
Jeremiah Wright, NAACP and many other racially motivated organizations and
individuals are shamelessly spewing their hate while the media and many
Americans give them a free pass and a platform.

On the flip side, the movement is laughing it off. We are referring to ourselves as crackers, changing our avatars to crackers, and still showing our ID when we are pulled over or apply for a job. We are fully
complying with the law that demands that you must be a US Citizen.  I always assumed it was a good thing that the
US demanded that proof. It is important for a nation to protect its citizens.
So, even though it is inconvenient at times, it is the law, so I , like a good
citizen, comply with the laws of this land.

Today is yet another indication of the Liberal’s infiltration into our Republic. This is but a bump in the road stated Jan Brewer regarding this ruling today. We know this will go all the way to the
Supreme Court.   As an Arizonan I must
say that I am 100% behind this law! I have seen up close the effects of the
Federal government’s inability or lack of desire to close off our border and
protect the American people. It is shameful.
We are not a country of lawlessness. We are a country of principles and
laws, a country that is supposed to uphold the Constitution.   The way I see it SB 1070 is exactly what
this country needs right now. We are broke, the economy is in bad shape and our
legal citizens are standing in the unemployment lines. The States and the
Federal government cannot afford to keep paying the way for illegals while real
American Citizens suffer. Nor can the legal American citizens afford to watch
illegal aliens do jobs they need to support their families.

Today I implore you to contact your State legislators and demand that they pass this same legislation in your state. Contact your members of Congress and tell them NO Amnesty and demand that they protect our borders
immediately.  Make calls, send letters,
faxes and emails and let us not give up on this important issue. Finally, make
sure your candidates of choice are Standing with Arizona too. We must have
like-minded elected officials in office in order to implement this critical
legislation in our country and our states.
No matter what, it is imperative that We All Stand With Arizona because
by doing that, we stand for rule of law, the right to national sovereignty,
state sovereignty and the Constitution!

Darla Dawald, National Director

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