The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
When your Doctor's a Muslim
--- Quote from: jo-bella on May 23, 2007, 09:09:50 AM ---how many other patients has this doctor seen who were jewish before this elderly man who died, that were also seen by this doctor?
isnt that the real question here?
how many of them were jews, and how many of them died?
--- End quote ---
That's exactly my point, and exactly the point which Schlussel doesn't address.
As I said in my previous post:
--- Quote ---And if this Muslim doctor is letting elderly Jewish patients die of neglect, then why haven't more suits been filed against him? Or if they have, why didn't Schlussel mention them?
--- End quote ---
Even Joseph Applebaum's son, Michael, who is suing Dr. Osama, doesn't claim to have hard evidence of anti-Semitism in Dr. Osama's past.
At the risk of repeating myself, I reiterate that it's one thing to suspect something and another thing to prove it.
I, too, strongly suspect Dr. Osama of anti-Semitism and willful murder.
But if you reach for something, as Schlussel has done, and can't back up your statements with hard evidence instead of suppositions - even very logical suppositions - then you immediately become a marginalized and discredited internet blogger.
I like Schlussel too much to see her shooting herself in the foot.
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