Author Topic: how can we stop islam in Europe?  (Read 16542 times)

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Offline Rastislav

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2010, 11:44:24 AM »
Definitely,in my opinion the only way to stop Islam is to spread Judaism!!!

Offline Djoop

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #26 on: November 22, 2010, 12:21:20 PM »
There's nothing you can do as long as you keep voting (christian) conservatives and social democrats into power. The former seldomly takes measures against a religion and the latter seems to have formed some sort of unholy alliance with islamists. The only thing you can do is vote for a party with classical liberal or libertarian values and try to convince others to do the same. A society that's keen on the individual and his or her liberties is the best defense against those who threaten these liberties in favor of an undefined collective. From the freedom of expression (cartoon anyone), to the concept of self-ownership (Somalia's genital vacations), it's the worst enemy of Islamism or any other totalitarian doctrine.   
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Offline Kerber

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2010, 02:16:24 AM »
how can we stop islam in Europe?
You can't. Unless Europeans do not turn to God starting to respect God's moral Laws,then you can't.
Why is Islam bigger problem to Europeans and not prostitution , homosexuality , pedophilia, harlotry, etc.?
Why is Islam thorn in the European eye and not , for example, the Netherlands and its laws?How come that wide spread immorality (which is the cause of European disappearing) is not a problem and Islam is?

Let's clean European backyard then the rest.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2010, 05:22:59 AM »
Re:  "arnt you going a little too far? if we kill them, were no better than they are. "

Going a little too far?

It is your very Vaterland that will soon be part of the new Caliphate.

The Muslims are definitely going to kill you in the most barbaric manner imaginable.

Therefore make up your mind - Do you wish to live and survive? ... or wish to be exterminated?

Life under the Muslims is worse than death, as all who've ever experienced it will testify.

throw them out if you must, but killing them makes us as bad as them.

And what if they won't willingly leave? What if they react violently and try to kill the people who want to throw them out? Is it okay to kill them then or would that still make us as bad as them?

Why would it make us bad to kill them if they try to kill us ? The only sane reaction under such circumstances is to kill them first.

And what is bad in expelling people who have come to your home to make you a slave or kill you ? Not only it is not bad, but it is the only moral option. I am not talking about expelling people of Arab descent who are well integrated into Western society and who share our values. They are not Muslims. I am talking about people who abide by the Islamic ideology of Djihad. They should not be allowed in the Western world because they want to destroy us. The Quran and the Haddiths should be outlawed as hate literature and incitement.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2010, 05:47:56 AM »
Why is Islam thorn in the European eye and not , for example, the Netherlands and its laws?

You have the right to be angry at certain liberal laws in the Netherlands if they hurt your personal beliefs, but :
1) You cannot make a sweeping generalization : Holland is not Sodom and Gomorrah, there are many nice and righteous Dutch people, and the Dutch people is the most advanced one in Western Europe in the awareness of what Islam really is as shown by the existence of a man like Geert Wilders and his popularity there. By the way, there is also sin and immorality in Serbia and elsewhere in Europe, there is no need to single out Holland.
2) I find it shocking to draw an equivalence between Islam and the Dutch culture as a problem for Europe. What threat do the Dutch pose to Europe ? You don't like them, just don't go there. But if they leave you alone, you leave them alone.

Offline Kerber

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2010, 06:29:35 AM »
Why is Islam thorn in the European eye and not , for example, the Netherlands and its laws?

You have the right to be angry at certain liberal laws in the Netherlands if they hurt your personal beliefs, but :
1) You cannot make a sweeping generalization : Holland is not Sodom and Gomorrah, there are many nice and righteous Dutch people, and the Dutch people is the most advanced one in Western Europe in the awareness of what Islam really is as shown by the existence of a man like Geert Wilders and his popularity there. By the way, there is also sin and immorality in Serbia and elsewhere in Europe, there is no need to single out Holland.
2) I find it shocking to draw an equivalence between Islam and the Dutch culture as a problem for Europe. What threat do the Dutch pose to Europe ? You don't like them, just don't go there. But if they leave you alone, you leave them alone.
1. It's not Sodom and Gomorrah, but there is a collective responsibility for allowing the most immoral and destructive behavior to spread.Sin is like a pandemics.It has to be cut in its roots.If people do nothing against it and on the contrary ,they do like the law system which allows it, then there is a certain collective responsibility.I mention Holland as it is most known for liberal laws, but I do think of that for EU in generally.Prostitution is allowed in Germany also.

2. No,no...There is no equalizing of Islam and Dutch people.That not.You didn't understand.
If a nation ,a society, allows something like prostitution and using of narcotics than it's very dangerous because they are not alone in this world and it is influencing on everyone.We live together in this world  and there has to be responsibility.No one can't allow for disease to spread and than say "mind your own business". But it is more dangerous for humans when prostitution, pedophilia,legal drugs and similar destructive behavior do exist then a certain number of Islamic followers.We should be fear more of the things which kill our souls then physical enemies.
So, there is no drawing an equivalence between Islam and the Dutch people.All I want to say Europeans need to clean itself , to get back on the way of life which was in function of family and then it's easy to deal anyone who want to start a "holy war".

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2010, 06:35:01 AM »
We should be fear more of the things which kill our souls then physical enemies.
All I want to say Europeans need to clean itself , to get back on the way of life which was in function of family and then it's easy to deal anyone who want to start a "holy war".

I agree with that. That's an important point indeed.

Offline mord

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2010, 08:41:28 AM »
Many yrs ago THE E.U. made a deal with the qurananimal Govts.The deal was take our garbage and we will give you oil at a reasonable price. It was a devils deal. The thing Europe has to do is cut all social welfare to none ethnic Europeans,tell them to leave Europe.If they get violent or don't obey do what you have to, you will save you're lives
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Eden Ben Yitzchak

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2011, 12:45:44 AM »
They all must be sent back to their native lands.

Offline D2I

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2011, 12:41:57 PM »
Numbers in battle against Muslims do no matter, do not forget that Charles Martel (a hero of europe) defeated the muslim hordes outmanned 5 to 1 with a kill ratio 8 -1 in the battle of tours

America for Americans
Israel for Jews
Iceland for Icelanders
Antarctica for muslims!

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2011, 03:54:25 PM »
Numbers in battle against Muslims do no matter, do not forget that Charles Martel (a hero of europe) defeated the muslim hordes outmanned 5 to 1 with a kill ratio 8 -1 in the battle of tours

Charles Martel - literally Charles the Hammer, was a brilliant military commander. He managed to crush the Arabs, who were trying to invade Northern Europe, although the Arabs were far superior in men and weaponry, by discipline, courage, and by his ability to do the unforeseen and move much faster than the Muslims believed he could. This is very similar to the way the Israelis crushed the Arabs, Baruch HaShem, in 1948 and 1967.

Offline ModernWarfare

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2011, 06:27:36 AM »
How we can stop Islam in Europe

1. ending muslim immirgation
2. finding and fully exploiting alternatives to oil
3. tough laws against islamic customs
4. campaigns to teach muslim youths to be peaceful
5. monitoring islamic groups and deporting leaders who call for terrorism

Offline Eden Ben Yitzchak

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Re: how can we stop islam in Europe?
« Reply #37 on: April 02, 2011, 06:17:11 PM »
In Yiddish we say - Es vird gurnisht helfen! Nothing will help you! Europe is doomed... You should move to the US, Canada, Australia or New-Zealand.