Author Topic: Rabbis Refuse to Be Questioned by police about book justifying killing muslims  (Read 2807 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Massuh: Back off and go back to your conspiracy sites.

KWRBT: It is a fact that when he was banned from politics in Israel, most of Israel supported or at least tolerated it. Things are changing now--after two intifadas and two humiliating defeats to Hezbollah, it's getting harder to put lipstick on a pig, and people are having more of an open mind to the right. There's still a long way to go (i.e. the Israeli public getting behind "disengagement", the freeing of Samir Kuntar, and the ethnic cleansing of the Peace House), but at least they aren't quite as badly brainwashed as 20 years ago.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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And I could care less if Chaim thinks you're wonderful because you serve as his running dog lackey.
If that is your attitude you can leave our organization right now, thank you very much, don't let the door hit your tuchis on the way out.

Offline cjd

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And I could care less if Chaim thinks you're wonderful because you serve as his running dog lackey.
If that is your attitude you can leave our organization right now, thank you very much, don't let the door hit your tuchis on the way out.
Let's go a bit easy we are dealing with two long time members here... Lets not start a civil war... I think both members are able to get to the bottom of the issue without other members  fanning the fire...
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Dr. Brennan Fan:  "If that is your attitude you can leave our organization right now, thank you very much, don't let the door hit your tuchis on the way out. "


Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Dr. Brennan Fan:  "Massuh: Back off and go back to your conspiracy sites. "


Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Massuh, KWRBT did not intend to insult you. He disagreed with you, and did argue some points with you, but it was not a personal attack.

Can we please return to the original subject of this thread?

Offline Lisa

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Agreed!  Massuh and KWRBT are both very bright.  Despite the bickering, I believe you guys agree on more topics than you think. 

That Virtual Judah blog is very interesting. 

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "Massuh, KWRBT did not intend to insult you. He disagreed with you, and did argue some points with you, but it was not a personal attack. "  Can we please return to the original subject of this thread? "

Yes we can, Chaim.

But I am more than a little tired of all the insults and bullying on this forum being done on a daily basis against others on this forum besides myself.

It is motivated by pure meanness and "power politics".

I have a pretty thick skin, but even I can only take so much.

If I was some of the other forum members and guests suffering what i consider outright abuse here on this forum, I would have slung a lot worse scheisse than I just did, and done it long ago.

Truth be told, this situation's not even about me.

It's just that I finally had about enough keeping silent while other well-meaning individuals are ganged up on, and when it finally gets around to being "my turn", I'm not going to put up with it.

Do your followers ever really listen to what you say and teach, or do they just enjoy hating other people?

Funny thing Chaim, the night before last while in the chat room, I quoted Chaim Ben Pesach verbatim, and was immediately attacked by several members as being some kind of heretic and anti-Jew.

Kind of curious what goes on here, wouldn't ya' think?

The persons who first educated me about the Federal Reserve and its ramifications?

Why, none other than Chaim Ben Pesach and his guests on earlier JTF shows.

Today - JTF members denounce me as a "conspiracy theorist" for writing what YOU taught me.

Offline JTFenthusiast2

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Massuh and Kwbrt,

I get a lot out of reading what you both post on this forum.  I agree with Lisa, I think this is a misunderstanding gone awry.  If either of you were to leave, it would be very bad for JTF.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re:  "Massuh, KWRBT did not intend to insult you. He disagreed with you, and did argue some points with you, but it was not a personal attack. "  Can we please return to the original subject of this thread? "

Yes we can, Chaim.

But I am more than a little tired of all the insults and bullying on this forum being done on a daily basis against others on this forum besides myself.

It is motivated by pure meanness and "power politics".

I have a pretty thick skin, but even I can only take so much.

If I was some of the other forum members and guests suffering what i consider outright abuse here on this forum, I would have slung a lot worse scheisse than I just did, and done it long ago.

Truth be told, this situation's not even about me

Don't blame all that stuff on me, buddy.

It's just that I finally had about enough keeping silent while other well-meaning individuals are ganged up on, and when it finally gets around to being "my turn", I'm not going to put up with it.

Do your followers ever really listen to what you say and teach, or do they just enjoy hating other people?

Funny thing Chaim, the night before last while in the chat room, I quoted Chaim Ben Pesach verbatim, and was immediately attacked by several members as being some kind of heretic and anti-Jew.

Once again, NOT me.  If you remember, I was trying to defend you when you stated that quote and you were jumped on for it.

I think we need to get clear here that when someone disagrees with your point of view or states something contradictory, that does not equal a personal attack or "abuse."   I can see that there was a misinterpretation of what I wrote here because I made an incorrect assumption, but was it not 1000 times more simple to simply write a question such as, "what site are you referring to?"  I mean, is that not the natural question to ask if you think I'm referring to a site and you don't actually know what site I'm talking about?  That would have immediately clued me in to my mistake and saved all of the insults you slung at me.  Why you jumped to attack I don't know.  It's apparent now from your comments that you resent me for whatever reason, and I guess that's just too bad.

Offline Lisa

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Hey everyone,

There's something we all need to keep in mind here.  This is an online forum.  Many of us do not have the benefit of interacting face to face with each other.  When you talk to someone in person, you take in a lot more than what they say.  You notice their tone of voice, their facial expression, and most importantly, their body language.  Most of us here, who have never met in person, do not have that benefit. 

So I would recommend that *everyone* here remember that.  Try to imagine how your words will come across to people whom you've never met in person.