I am puting this here because again if women or men go on this site I think they should know the truth about intimate partner abuse better know as Domestic Violence.It is something more complex then man = evil women = good. I date women that are so focused of every move you make that they think the slightest think means that you must have problems. This is certainlly true of women that have no brothers and are especially prone to being out of touch with what men are really like. It is OK in moderation to see how I act to various situations and pressures. There are good men bad men and middle of the road men. What can I say. Anyway if some feel this should be elsewhere you can move it. I just feel this is the best place for it. Here is the latest press release.
www.mediaradar.orgon how police are being educated in this area which leads to women being misinformed about men.
Education for Injustice
It's widely known that the domestic violence policies and procedures of organizations across the country are outdated. If only that were the reason why so many men experience bias and violation of due process when accused. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. False "facts" from debunked studies, lies created by over-enthusiastic writers, and skewed statistics from unsound research are common in today's domestic violence trainings.
Demonstrating that current domestic violence trainings are deplorable, RADAR's new Special Report Education for Injustice documents that:
Judicial education programs nearly always refer to the perpetrator as "he," while victims are designated as "she."
A police officer describes the domestic violence training classes he attended as "so dripping with male hatred that everyone in the class felt uncomfortable, male and female officers alike."
The director of a domestic violence hotline admits that trainers instructed their staff to profile callers based on gender, treating all male callers as perpetrators, regardless of the actual circumstances.
This report is a must-read, no-holds-barred critique of our nation's domestic violence trainings. Not one educational program mentioned in the report reflects well-established research findings on intimate partner aggression – that women are at least as likely as men to engage in abusive behavior.
The report can be seen at: