Greetings to all my fellow JTFers

I am a new JTFer from Australia and felt I should introduce myself.
I'm a young Jew in my 20s and first became interested in the work of Rabbi Meir Kahane after my friend lent me the book "They must Go". After reading "They must go" along with, "Uncomfortable questions for comfortable jews", "Open letter to the world" and "Listen World, Listen Jew" and finding everything I believed written so eloquently I began to seek more Kahanist information.
It was upon finding a video about Chaim Ben Pesach uploaded by a filthy Jewish traitor who had the audacity to call Chaim a Nazi, that I discoverd
Since then I have eagerly awaited each new Ask JTF mp3 on the site and have read almost all the articles.
Can anyone tell me where I can post my own questions for Chaim to answer?
Bless you and your loved ones
Aussie Kahanist