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Srebrenica Massacre (1992-1995) - The Truth

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Before we start, let's see the "Truth" from Wikipedia

"-The Srebrenica Massacre, also known as the Srebrenica Genocide, refers to the July 1995 killing of more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys, as well as the ethnic cleansing of another 25,000–30,000 refugees, in and around the town of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by units of the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) under the command of General Ratko Mladić during the Bosnian War. A paramilitary unit from Serbia known as the Scorpions, officially part of the Serbian Interior Ministry until 1991, participated in the massacre. It is alleged that foreign volunteers including the Greek Volunteer Guard also participated.
-In April 1993 the United Nations had declared the besieged enclave of Srebrenica in the Drina Valley of north-eastern Bosnia a "safe area" under UN protection."



~Srebrenica was a UN protected area,so why did the Serbs attacked it?
~Yes, Srebrenica was a UN protected area, but it was a area were 6-7 thousands of muslim forces were hiding! Srebrenica was a Muslim "base of operations" from were more then 3000 thousands serbian civillians from the surrounding area were killed and more then 128 villages were burned, as you can see from the video bellow...

~Eight thousands Muslims killed? True or False?
~After the successful millitary operation that was carried out by the Serbs there was an estimated count of 700-800 death muslim soliders, not civillians! The UN forces stationed in Srebrenica started talking about massive killing and genocide in front of their eyes only 10 years after! In the same time when new mass graves were found! And at the same time when new elections in Bosnia were started...There is no document that enlist's the death one's! There are only 8 thousands graves...This was a propaganda war!

Did you see the cameras? Normaly on musllim funerals no cameras are allowed! Why is this a exeption?

Cause of the Muslims who mass killed around Srebrenica under the command of Naser Oric,the Serbs launched a millitary operation to neutrilize them. The Serbian General Ratko Mladic hoped if he atackes in  "Formation Horseshoe" he will leave a huge open gap in the front so the Muslim Army and civillians could leave the area and travel 50km to a Muslim town called Tuzla.The attack was launched  in July 1995 and the city soon fall. The civillians who could't walk[mostly women and childer also older population] were transported with buses out of the town.
Another thing, if 8000 muslims were killed?
Why are they only 10-20 mothers and fathers on unions...always 10-20 Muslims womens cry out in front of a camera...???
Use your brains! Is is theoretically posible to kill 8000 people just like that, in few nights? What kind of a people would we be? Remember that we lived whit those muslims for 50 years under the same flag!
Nobody wanted war, just the politicans who got rich by that war...

Filip Korvin, UN coordinator

"Ako je od 37.000 žitelja Srebrenice preživelo njih 35.500, onda je računica vrlo prosta"
"Before the war Srebrenica had 37000 people, and after the war 35500, the calculation is easy"

Before War: 37 000 people
After: 35 000 people     


Also Check This video!
Jihad In Bosnia...

serbian army:
Nobody cares about more than 3000 Serbian victims, but they rather multiply dead muslims by 10x and blame Serbs for some kind of genocide. First, they must look at definition of genocide and than accuse us.

У Сребреници се десио злочин, у ствари у околини Сребренице, у околним селима где је муслиманска војска убијала Србе наочи УН и НАТО трупа. Због тога је генерал Ратко Младић наредио ослобађање Сребренице током којег је изгинуло и заробљено много муслиманских војника.
Што се тиче злочина против муслимана, десио се и он, стрељано је око 2000 ратних заробљеника (муслиманских војника, не цивила). Тај злочин починили су плаћеници, припадници десетог дивезантског одреда Војске Републике Српске по налогу француске обавештајне службе и без знања команде Војске Републике Српске. Међу тим плаћеницима било је Срба, "Хрвата" и "Муслимана" и они су , колико знам, процесуирани и осућени на робије после истраге коју је спроведена по налогу Владе Савезне Републике Југославије. Када је после 5. Октобра 2000. године формирана окупациона влада Четвртог Рајха у Србији они су пуштени на слободу.

The crime occurred in Srebrenica, actually around Srebrenica, in the surrounding villages, where the Muslim army killed Serbs while the UN and NATO troops watched. Therefore, General Ratko Mladic, ordered the liberation of Srebrenica, during which many Muslim soldiers where killed and captured.
As for crimes against Muslims, it took place and there where about 2000 prisoners of war (Muslim soldiers, not civilians) shot. The crime where committed by the mercenaries, members of the tenth diversion squad of the Army of the Republic os Srpska by the orders of the French intelligence services and without the knowledge of the commands of the Army of the Republic of Srpska. Among those mercenaries were Serbs, "Croats", and "Muslims" and they are, as much as I know, prosecuted and convicted in prison after an investigation that was conducted by order of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. After 5. October 2000. when the occupation government of the Fourth Reich in Serbia was established, they where released.

BosnianSerb you are a hero! Good post!

lol, tnx

i updated the post...


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