Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea

What does the Torah say about illegitimate children?

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These days, too many children are born out of wedlock. 

The Western concept of illegitimacy is not part of Judaism. A child's parents whether they were wed or not are responsible for the care and raising of the child, thats about it whether or not the parents were married doesnt abrogate the Mitzvot related to raising the child.


--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on May 22, 2007, 08:05:05 PM ---The Western concept of illegitimacy is not part of Judaism. A child's parents whether they were wed or not are responsible for the care and raising of the child, thats about it whether or not the parents were married doesnt abrogate the Mitzvot related to raising the child.

--- End quote ---

But I thought the Torah discusses marriage and is against pre-marital sex?

Yes, it is, but a child born out of wedlock doesnt have a different status then any other child.

Od, a Mamzer isnt a child born out of wedlock but a child born of specific forbidden relationships. Its very different than the Western concept of the Bastard. Besides which there are better sources for Jewish law then Wikipedia :o


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