Save Western Civilization > Save America

Black rapist

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You talking about penis and you calling people "Fags" who are you Rupaul?

Darnell, you picked the wrong forum to peddle your black racism. 

The only way you could get a "date" with a white woman is through rape, which is why most rapists are black.

Darnell is sorry he ever started this.  But in his peanut-sized brain, he thought he was a match for JTF.

Darnell, you better pray that JTF activists never take over the United States.  If they do, you is in big trouble and you knows it.

El Cabong!:
This guy is not a negro, he's just pulling your chain. You can tell the negro by what he writes and how he writes it. This is just another of the banned pussies trying to be among us because wants to be with us and and we don't want him with us, he belongs nowhere and no one wants him. Just ban the retard already, we need not waste our precious time with no brain idiots.

And just how do you know that, sir? My posts aren't hip enough to be Black?lol


JTF is a non-racist, civil rights oganization, that judges people by their words and
conduct, and not by the color of their skin.

Any negative generalizations made on this forum about African-Americans
are based not so much on prejudices as they are on reality, including members'
everyday experiences, statistics about the U.S. jail population, statistics about
U.S. crimes, and opinions expressed by the very few, conservative African-American
entertainers, community activists, authors, commentators and leaders (among
which I do not include Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but this goes
without saying).

We only wish that more African-Americans regarded Bill Cosby, Alan Keyes, Isiah
Thomas (Detroit PG) and other prominent and upstanding African-Americans
as role models, rather than Sharpton, Jackson, gangsta-rappers, controversial
sports figures, and others who benefit financially and politically from the current
bleak African-American condition, and have a vested interest in perpetuating it.

Speaking of Jesse Jackson...


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