Re: "
Tashlich "
This would seem to have no basis in Torah.

I don't recall anything in the Law suggesting this to be a legitimate practice for Jews in seeking atonement.

For those who would say ... "'s just a tradition so we keep doing it!" (the bread baking industry) ... I would have to ask them to specifically point out in the Law of Moses where we are commanded to seek atonement in such a way.

Probably borrowed from the Canaanite Baal worshippers a long time ago.
I don't object to throwing fish little bits of bread, especially so when the bread bits are on the end of fishhooks! (the Biblical origins of gefilte fish)

Sounds like that same type of practice where some people buy a chicken and kill it after casting all of their sins upon it, thinking that they've 'scapegoated it' in symbolic atonement.... . (Marshall Durbinism).
Negroes have emulated and combined both of these arcane practices in a cultic ritual whereby they first cover a chicken with little bits of bread, then anoint it with sacred oil, then heat the chicken with fire to remove all of their sins - all the while mumbling a bunch of hoo-doo sounding like "
oojama-oojaba-mugabi-mmkomo!". [censored] atonement complete, they then
eat the sacred chicken.
Cultural anthropologists have termed this practice "Harlan Sandersism" in honor of the strange white deity whose image reveals the places this practice can be observed.
Seems to be a lot of 'foreign elements' that have crept into Judaism since the Exile and probably long before it.
(for that matter, there seems to be a lot of "foreign elements" that have crept into every religion over the last two thousand years!
