Author Topic: Increasing number of Gentiles adopted as children dropping their Jewish status  (Read 4200 times)

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Offline wonga66

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Is a gentile child adopted by Jewish parents and raised as an Orthodox Jew Halachically required:

1. To be informed of his origins once he reaches adulthood ie 13?

2. Is he required to make a formal declaration affirming his Jewish status?

3. If so, does that formal affirmation to be done in front of a Beth Din? Or are any two witnesses enough?

The reason I ask is because there has been a recent spate of many adopted male and female gentile people, adopted in the 80s, who even though raised Orthodox, even becoming top in their yeshivas and seminaries, who when informed of their gentile origin, have immediately, voluntarily, spontaneously, rancourlessly & calmly relinquish their Jewish status, and happily become Noahides i.e. reverted to being gentiles who believe in Hashem and the Torah, but who are not obligated to keep the 613 mitzvos, and who still love and belong to their adoptive family!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 07:41:55 PM by wonga66 »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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The reason I ask is because there has been a recent spate of many adopted male and female gentile people, adopted in the 80s, who even though raised Orthodox, even becoming top in their yeshivas and seminaries, who when informed of their gentile origin, have immediately, voluntarily, spontaneously, rancourlessly & calmly relinquish their Jewish status, and happily become Noahides i.e. reverted to being gentiles who believe in Hashem and the Torah, but who are not obligated to keep the 613 mitzvos, and who still love and belong to their adoptive family!

By a "recent spate," you mean you know personally of about 2-4 anecdotal cases like this, or you actually have seen a statistically documented trend of this occurring, demonstrated by a study?   That there would be systematic study of this particular tiny subsection of the population would be surprising to me, but I'd love to see it if there is one.   

From what I understand, the child as soon as he becomes "of age" (bnay mitzvot) must then "protest" (ie, say he doesn't want to be Jewish), and then he's not Jewish.    Otherwise, if they are seen doing a Jewish custom (gemara gives an example for a woman "dat yehudit" I believe was the term used, and gives the example of "separating challah" - ie some custom you find commonly with Jewish women but not some foundational mitzvah or what have you -  it means the person has conceded to their Jewishness and now loses ability to protest.   So it would seem it needs to be done right away if they are thinking about dropping when they are nearing the age of mitzvah obligation, and the gemara I was learning in kethuvoth was in the context of a beth din, but I'm not sure if it just requires a few people to see it, an actual beth din, local rabinnic council, or what.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Also, it would seem unfair to wait that long to inform him of his origins.   But if he was never informed, then certainly it can't be considered he is conceding to being Jewish!   So that must also factor into the time limit, how long they waited to let him know he was an adopted gentile.     If they tell him at 15, and right away he says, I'm not Jewish, or whatever,  you would think that's a valid protest because at age 13 he simply didn't know.    Good question though.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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All I know, is that if one day my parents called me into their room and informed me that I had been adopted from a family of genitals, I would be furious!     >:(

Offline Chai

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All I know, is that if one day my parents called me into their room and informed me that I had been adopted from a family of genitals, I would be furious!     >:(
Because deep down you really hate Judaism? :laugh:

Offline wonga66

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The 80% of Jews who never left Egypt & who died quietly in the Plague of Darkness were shown all of coming Jewish history: the wandering in the Wilderness for 40 years, the Destruction of both Temples; the massacres, rapine, torture, inquisition, auto da fes, repression, pogroms and Holocaust. And they said "That is too much for us. We want no part of such a Jewish history. We would rather die now!". And they did. Only 20% were prepared to accept the coming tragic & arduous Jewish history, & they left Egypt.

One wonders if we today were given a theoretical choice to relinquish Jewish status (which a born Jew and a bona fide ger cannot do), how many would take the choice: to go from being mediocre Jews to change to being "Good Noahides": no need for Tefillin, Kashrus, Shabbos, Niddah, Davening, Yom Tov, Tzitzits, discrimination, shaatnez, wars, etc and still get some (albeit massively reduced) Olam Habo!

I reckon that now, just as then, 80% of Jewish maaminim in the world would take a get out clause! I asked some yeshiva guys, and they said they would much much prefer to become good goyim at a moment's notice if they could!!

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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The 80% of Jews who never left Egypt & who died quietly in the Plague of Darkness were shown all of coming Jewish history: the wandering in the Wilderness for 40 years, the Destruction of both Temples; the massacres, rapine, torture, inquisition, auto da fes, repression, pogroms and Holocaust. And they said "That is too much for us. We want no part of such a Jewish history. We would rather die now!". And they did. Only 20% were prepared to accept the coming tragic & arduous Jewish history, & they left Egypt.

One wonders if we today were given a theoretical choice to relinquish Jewish status (which a born Jew and a bona fide ger cannot do), how many would take the choice: to go from being mediocre Jews to change to being "Good Noahides": no need for Tefillin, Kashrus, Shabbos, Niddah, Davening, Yom Tov, Tzitzits, discrimination wars, etc and still get an Olam Habo!

I reckon that now, just as then, 80% of Jewish maaminim in the world would take a get out clause! I asked some yeshiva guys, and they said they would much much prefer to become good goyim at a moment's notice if they could!!

So how do they say that bracha every morning?   They skip it or they lie to themselves and God?   That should have been your follow-up question.

Offline wonga66

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If you were suddenly told that you were in fact an adopted gentile child, & that you have an option to remain an Orthodox Jew, with all that that entails, or revert to being a good Noahide ie suddenly able to enjoy a vastly easier & relaxed life style, whilst still believing in Torah and Hashem, and still getting an Olam Habo, what would you say to the Beth Din?!

I personally know 8 such cases, including 3 top 20-year old yeshivah fellows, and have heard of another 10; and in every case, they happily and voluntarily relinquish their Jewish status!

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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If you were suddenly told that you were in fact an adopted gentile child, & that you have an option to remain an Orthodox Jew, with all that that entails, or revert to being a good Noahide ie suddenly able to enjoy a vastly easier & relaxed life style, whilst still believing in Torah and Hashem, and still getting an Olam Habo, what would you say to the Beth Din?!

I personally know 8 such cases, including 3 top 20-year old yeshivah fellows, and have heard of another 10; and in every case, they happily and voluntarily relinquish their Jewish status!

So you have confirmed my initial suspicion that this was anecdotal experience being used to describe dishonestly a supposed cultural trend.

It's really not a concern when someone is actually Jewish.  It only becomes relevant if faced with that choice.   And there is nothing to blame any individual for whichever choice he makes.   If God made him a gentile, he's a gentile and that's that.     If he wants to be Jewish it's his choice.   

Offline wonga66

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Gentile children being adopted and becoming Jews used to be a rarity.

But with infertility a major problem, there are not a few Jewish couples adopting gentiles, staring about 25 years ago. In every case I've heard, the child has relinquished his Jewish status or his mitzva observance once informed of his origins. A top rabbi is going round the world giving a shiur on this phenomenon, which of course dismays not a few people.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "But with infertility a major problem, there are not a few Jewish couples adopting gentiles, staring about 25 years ago. In every case I've heard, the child has relinquished his Jewish status or his mitzva observance once informed of his origins. "

You have to understand:

This is the only way a guy is ever going to be able to find Jewish girls to date, and it's the only way a girl is going to be found attractive by Jewish guys!


Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Gentile children being adopted and becoming Jews used to be a rarity.

But with infertility a major problem, there are not a few Jewish couples adopting gentiles, staring about 25 years ago. In every case I've heard, the child has relinquished his Jewish status or his mitzva observance once informed of his origins. A top rabbi is going round the world giving a shiur on this phenomenon, which of course dismays not a few people.

Well, that's the inherent risk with adopting gentile children.  It's not like they didn't know going in.   

However, why can't Jewish children be adopted?

And if it's in vitro fertilization going on, this shouldn't be a problem (unless it's a surrogate mother?)