I dug the section of my R. Kahane [ZK"L HY"D] book out about the ADL [we were discussing them in the Pink Floyd thread, it got me thinking].
The Story of the Jewish Defense League [page 69]:
"Consider the following. In 1968, as the lower-middle-class Jewish civil servant was being pushed out by demands by blacks and other minorities for quotas, the B'nai B'rith Convention, meeting at the Borsht Belt luxury resort the Concord Hotel, passed a resolution advocating preferential treatment for black applicants for new jobs in the civil service as opposed to Jewish applicants. When the President of the Jewish Teachers Association, the late Dr. Herman Mantell demanded clarification, it was given to him on June 24, 1968 by Morris S. Sass, New York Regional Director of the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League. According to Mantell, Sass stated that the ADL position was that if Jewish and black applicants of equal preparation seek the same civil service job, then the preference should be given to the black applicant."
What a disgusting, unforgivably treacherous organization the ADL/B'nai B'rith are. Sadly this is only one example of how anti-Jewish this lynch mob really is.