Kahane-Was-Right BT: "
That's a very good pointSee? We're going to be best friends soon! I bet we see eye to eye on most things that matter!

One of the favorite things the neo-nazis and progressives love to throw around is to say that "even Israelis when polled agree that the ..... ", as if those polls reflect anything other than the opinion of the Muslims with Israeli citizenship.
What kind of meshuganeh country lets its deadly enemies decide the outcome of every important election in the nation?
What kind of "Jewish Country" gives full MK status to outright PLO/Nazis and allows them to call for the destruction of the Jews, while outlawing Rabbi Kahane's Kach Party and forbidding Chaim Ben Pesach to immigrate to Israel?
And what kind of "Jewish Country" no longer allows any Jew over the age of 50 who wants to make aliyah to enter an absorption center, thus guaranteeing that they will be unable to learn Hebrew, unable to find a job, and unable to survive in Israel, while allowing 50,000 illegal Africans and others to swarm into the country while Netanyahu's wife calls for them to be granted full citizenship as amnesty?
It's enough to make all commited Kahanists abandon the State of Israel if you ask me!