Author Topic: Paladino:"As Governor, I will use the power of eminent domain to stop mosque  (Read 2805 times)

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Offline MasterWolf1

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Paladino: "As Governor, I will use the power of eminent domain to stop this mosque"

JTF in NY.. I seriously again urging you vote for Carl Paladino on November 2nd.  Also let your family and friends know as well that are register voters in the State of New York

Offline nessuno

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He should get elected just for having this confrontation with Fred Dicker  :::D

We don't need another Cuomo running New York State.  I'm casting my vote for Paladino.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Rubystars

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I hope if he gets elected he doesn't disappoint.

Offline TheCoon

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The way he got in that idiot reporter's face makes me know he'd be a great governor. It's a shame thanks to the morons in NYC he won't get elected because they be needin' they welfare cheques mmhmmm.

edit: If there ever was a use for eminent domain, this would be it.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline HiWarp

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edit: If there ever was a use for eminent domain, this would be it.

Don't put too much confidence in government even if it's run by individuals you support. The patriot act, which may be supported by conservatives when they are in power, as a way to battle those evil muslim terrorists, can be used by liberals, when they're in power, to battle those evil right wing, gun-totting militia types. Eminent domain used by conservatives in power to take away private property from muslims that want to build a mosque near ground zero can just as easily be used by liberals in power to take away private property from Jews or Christians who want to build a synagogue or church in the Castro district of San Fransisco.

The best type of government, whether run by liberals or conservatives, is a weak government that is limited to doing what is prescribed in the Constitution at the federal level and whatever power the people decide to give it at the state and local level and nothing more.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Paladino: "As Governor, I will use the power of eminent domain to stop this mosque"

JTF in NY.. I seriously again urging you vote for Carl Paladino on November 2nd.  Also let your family and friends know as well that are register voters in the State of New York

Wolf, I read that as well, and I said right away - this is the candidate we must elect!

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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edit: If there ever was a use for eminent domain, this would be it.

Don't put too much confidence in government even if it's run by individuals you support. The patriot act, which may be supported by conservatives when they are in power, as a way to battle those evil muslim terrorists, can be used by liberals, when they're in power, to battle those evil right wing, gun-totting militia types. Eminent domain used by conservatives in power to take away private property from muslims that want to build a mosque near ground zero can just as easily be used by liberals in power to take away private property from Jews or Christians who want to build a synagogue or church in the Castro district of San Fransisco. 

Uh, yeah but why should the possibility of B make us avoid the possibility of A?  (Paladino's use of eminent domain, if he did, has nothing to do with anyone else's use... these laws are already on the books.   The hypothetical you're talking about could be used by liberals at any time, with the same likelihood, without paladino ever getting elected or anyone doing anything with "the mosque."  - speaking of which, there is a case right now where Chabad is trying to build a large compound in a christian neighborhood and they're being denied!)   

The best type of government, whether run by liberals or conservatives, is a weak government that is limited to doing what is prescribed in the Constitution at the federal level and whatever power the people decide to give it at the state and local level and nothing more.

He's not saying he's going to make eminent domain the latest craze in the govt and use it for hundreds of cases he wants to implement.  He's saying he's going to use this exceptional clause for this ONE specific case he intends to implement it for because it is so exceptional and so important.   He is not saying he's expanding the rights of govt to use eminent domain where they aren't already able to!   I think your comments about this kind of missed the point even though true in theory.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Remember one thing guys.. Cuomo has his nose so far up black and Muslim causes behinds it is not even funny.. Cuome is the State's Att. General which is is obligated if any funny money is being funneled to investigate the Mosque, he has not.  And he is the first to run to Harlem or other pig pens

Offline HiWarp

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Uh, yeah but why should the possibility of B make us avoid the possibility of A?  (Paladino's use of eminent domain, if he did, has nothing to do with anyone else's use... these laws are already on the books.   The hypothetical you're talking about could be used by liberals at any time, with the same likelihood, without paladino ever getting elected or anyone doing anything with "the mosque."  - speaking of which, there is a case right now where Chabad is trying to build a large compound in a christian neighborhood and they're being denied!)   

Who said anything about avoiding A? I'm speaking about the possibility of B in the context of one person or group applying double standards. I see it happen everywhere, including here. It was a statement basically saying that if you do something to someone, don't b!tch and moan if one day the same is done to you. Okay, you can b!tch and moan all you want but you'll have no leg to stand on.

He's not saying he's going to make eminent domain the latest craze in the govt and use it for hundreds of cases he wants to implement.  He's saying he's going to use this exceptional clause for this ONE specific case he intends to implement it for because it is so exceptional and so important.   He is not saying he's expanding the rights of govt to use eminent domain where they aren't already able to!   I think your comments about this kind of missed the point even though true in theory.

Look, I'm not talking about a single incident happening in New York here. I'm attempting to make a macro point. If we put more and more of our trust in government, we will inevitably be disappointed. In fact, disappointment may be the least of our worries, enslavement being much more serious and, the way things are going, more likely.

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite."
-- Thomas Jefferson

The truth that you speak of "in theory" was not set out to be a theoretical experiment to study but an actual form of government which is being slowly dismantled (and has been for a very long time). But the fault lies mainly with the citizens of the country, not the governing elite.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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What are the chances he's a phony?

Offline cjd

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What are the chances he's a phony?
Well there is always a chance.... Like most politicians I am sure he will promise a great deal more then he will ever accomplish. One thing for sure what he is running against ( Como) is a down right phony.... His father almost destroyed New York State and now the son is back to finish the job. Paladino is the little branch thats sticking out to grasp at near the edge of the waterfalls before the boat goes over the edge.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 05:47:34 AM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline cjd

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In most cases unless a project has problems its very hard for zoning to stop a project... Even under eminent domain taking a high profile property like this would be very hard. Unless local government could show how they needed the property for a project that would better the neighborhood like a needed road, school or some other public project they would be barking up the wrong tree seizing the property... In my opinion the landmark commission missed the boat when it came to tactfully putting a project like the mosque to rest... The building looked like something that could be redeveloped into residential or commercial lofts while retaining the exterior of the building for historical posterity.... Although I would never go along with Governor Paterson on most issues I have to say serious or not he had the best idea when he offered to exchange the controversial property for a more reasonable location.... Whatever is done it should be lawful because once zoning boards get the idea they can stop a project on a whim it would really leave the door open to growing abuse on other projects they don't like.   
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "What are the chances he's a phony? "

Only about 100%

Offline Dan

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Re:  "What are the chances he's a phony? "

Only about 100%
I agree with that!
                         ... after all he cheated on his then wife.
He is the lesser of the Evils, though.

Offline TheCoon

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If he will cut spending and help save America's finanicial future people should hold their noses and vote for him.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline takebackourtemple

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  • May this be the year that the temple is liberated.
Should I ask people to vote for Paladino instead of Lazio?
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline cjd

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Should I ask people to vote for Paladino instead of Lazio?
Lazio folded his tent last week he is out of the race... I meet him a few times at some local political events and he seemed like a reasonable politician. It's too bad that he can't seem to make any headway running for higher political office.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline cjd

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Re:  "What are the chances he's a phony? "

Only about 100%
Show me a politician that is not a phony at some level and you will see 9 times out of 10 they are not in office... People want a show and Paladino is giving them a good one... For me it's anyone but Como... Thank G-d Al Sharpton is not in the race because I may have had to hold my nose and vote for him  :o ...People should look into Como's activities during his time at HUD... Paladino has already exposed a few issues about that time... As far as Paladino's private life I think it would be very hard now days to find anyone that really has zero issues... I remember what Como the father did here when he was in office his son seems like a clone ready to start off where the father left off...Besides the Governors office is only a stepping stone for the White House in 2012...  How does a Como / Bloomberg ticket sound  :'(
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Looks like the only viable option is to vote for him and hope for the best.

Offline TheCoon

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Cuomo will win solely on the backs of blacks and hispanics in NY City. And nothing will change for the next 8 years and they will mindlessly vote democrat once more after his term is up.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline cjd

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Cuomo will win solely on the backs of blacks and hispanics in NY City. And nothing will change for the next 8 years and they will mindlessly vote democrat once more after his term is up.
A friend of mine gives me the lowdown on whats being said in the Spanish news media... He claims that Como is not very popular with the more Conservative segment of that group... As for blacks who knows...  I think the ones that always vote will vote for Como the others are not going to strain themselves getting to the polls for someone they don't really identify with.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Uh, yeah but why should the possibility of B make us avoid the possibility of A?  (Paladino's use of eminent domain, if he did, has nothing to do with anyone else's use... these laws are already on the books.   The hypothetical you're talking about could be used by liberals at any time, with the same likelihood, without paladino ever getting elected or anyone doing anything with "the mosque."  - speaking of which, there is a case right now where Chabad is trying to build a large compound in a christian neighborhood and they're being denied!)   

Who said anything about avoiding A? I'm speaking about the possibility of B in the context of one person or group applying double standards. I see it happen everywhere, including here. It was a statement basically saying that if you do something to someone, don't b!tch and moan if one day the same is done to you. Okay, you can b!tch and moan all you want but you'll have no leg to stand on.

   First of all, who cares if I apply a double standard?   Muslims deserve a "double standard" or different standard because they're different, their religion is different (and dangerous), and the Ground zero location is different.   So I don't really care what I or anyone else is accused of because I don't really think it's necessary that all standards must be universal as a dogmatic principle.    Evil people set on uprooting the republic (or what's left of it) and replacing it with sharia law do not deserve equal treatment and tolerance.

Secondly, see below for why there really is no "double standard" being employed here (even though I don't care if there is).

He's not saying he's going to make eminent domain the latest craze in the govt and use it for hundreds of cases he wants to implement.  He's saying he's going to use this exceptional clause for this ONE specific case he intends to implement it for because it is so exceptional and so important.   He is not saying he's expanding the rights of govt to use eminent domain where they aren't already able to!   I think your comments about this kind of missed the point even though true in theory.

Quote from: hiwarp
Look, I'm not talking about a single incident happening in New York here. I'm attempting to make a macro point. If we put more and more of our trust in government, we will inevitably be disappointed.

My point in response was that we're not doing that.

Voting for paladino is not a thrashing of libertarian ideals any more than voting for anyone else would be or could be.   You haven't really made your point because like I said, regardless of anything Paladino does, the liberals will still employ their doublestandard and they already do so.  They don't need "provocation."   The chabad example is a strikingly relevant case.   And I don't really think anyone is "b*ing and moaning" except for the chabad people in that location who are trying to get their thing built - what else would they do?  Would it make sense for them to go quietly and just throw in the towel?  They are pushing their own issue.   I'm personally indifferent about it.   I don't see any other groups making a big deal about it either.

Quote from: hiwarp
The truth that you speak of "in theory" was not set out to be a theoretical experiment to study 

I never said that it was!

I'm using the words "in theory" because what you say has no relation to the specific case at hand which is Paladino saying he's going to use eminent domain for this one specific issue.   To be specific and clear - He is NOT saying he's going to expand the powers of government!