Author Topic: Obama Needs A Break  (Read 893 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Obama Needs A Break
« on: October 04, 2010, 07:43:48 PM »

At a fundraiser last week at the home of former ABC and CBS News reporter and Obama staffer Linda Douglass, President Barack Obama reportedly told those in attendance he could use a break.

Douglass’ husband is John Phillips, a wealthy lawyer, and the couple hosted Obama and the $30,400 a person fundraiser to raise money for Democrat candidates. Phillips also worked on Obama’s campaign and, when he introduced Obama, he said, “I can remember walking down those snowy streets of Des Moines in the primary… We sleep much better knowing that you are our president at this difficult time,” according to

Obama then thanked Phillips and Douglass for their work and acknowledged the two own a nice home in Italy. Obama then reportedly said, “I’d appreciate a little break and some Tuscan sun. Some pasta. I could use it.”

Let me get this straight: Obama has been President about 20 months and has spent all or part of 38 days (according to ABC News) on “vacation.” When he’s not on vacation he’s carted around in fancy cars or an opulent airliner, never opening his own doors, carrying his own bags or preparing his own meals. It seems he plays golf almost every day. But more than a month of vacation with less than two years on the job is not enough?

Let me just say, President Obama, if the work’s too tough for you can quit any time. Remember, you asked for the job. No one forced it on you and, judging by the latest polls, most people would just as soon see you quit.

But take heart: If you want to stick it out, you’re almost halfway through. Your term ends on January 20, 2013. Don’t let the door slap your butt on the way out.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt