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Na konferenciji o bezbednosti u Tel Avivu, ministar odbrane Ehud Barak je izjavio da medjunarodna i domaca javnost nije svesna kakva velika opasnost se priblizava Izraelu: “U medjunarodnoj zajednici postoji pokret za priznavanja palestinske drzave u granicama pre rata iz 1967. Ovo priznanje ce uslediti najkasnije do septebra,” izjavio je Barak.
Posledice ovakvog ishitrenog priznavanja ocepljenja dela teritorije drzave Izrael imace nesagledive posledice po region, a narocito zbog toga sto se deo Jerusalima nalazi iza zelene linije (granica pre 1967). Mogucnost izbijanja gradjanskog rata, a i strane intervencije veoma je velika.
Jasno je da postoje planovi u centrima moci na zapadu da se u Jerusalimu izazove gradjanski rat, a da se onda grad stavi pod medjunarodni protektorat. Svima je poznato da u ovim zahtevima prednjaci rimokatolicka institucija.
The London Times:
"About 40 Israeli volunteers fight on the side of Serbs"
from Christopher Walker, Jerusalem
About 40 Israeli volunteers have been fighting alongside the Serbs as a gesture of gratitude for Serb support for Yugoslav Jews against the Nazis in the Second World War.
The existence of the Israeli fighters - they do not like the term mercenaries - was revealed by Ron Ben Yishai, an Israeli war correspondent who was injured by Kosovo Liberation Army sniper fire this week while reporting from the province for the Tel Aviv daily Yediot Aharonot.
The paper said that all the Israeli fighters had emigrated to the Jewish state from the former Soviet Union and were part of a volunteer unit, the majority of whose members were Russians.
Mr Ben Yishai quoted one of the Israeli volunteers, named only as Valery, who recently returned home after fighting in Kosovo for a month, as saying: "We decided to fight alongside the Serbs as a token of our gratitude for the assistance the Serbs extended to the Jews of Yugoslavia who were persecuted by the Nazis in World War Two."
The Israeli fighter said that another reason that he had joined up was "identification with the Christian Slavs' fight against the Muslims trying to take over Europe".
Diplomatic observers noted that, at an earlier stage of the Yugoslav crisis, many Islamic volunteers - including former members of the Afghan Mujahidin rebels who had fought against the Soviet forces - fought alongside the Bosnian Muslims.
The Serbia-Israel connection
Jane’s Defence Weekly Foreign Report
Israel has received an urgent Serbian request for military supplies, according to FOREIGN REPORT's Israeli sources. The Serbian government, through a senior Israeli diplomat, has presented its shopping list of military equipment, medicines and credit. The Israeli response is not known.
Military ties between the Israelis and the Serb regime led by Slobodan Milosevic started in 1992 when a delegation from the Israeli defence ministry arrived in Belgrade, the Serbian capital, to try to sell arms to Serbia. According to the report from our sources, which is unconfirmed, a deal was eventually done for the supply of a large quantity of shells.
The co-operation became closer. About two months ago, some Serbian MiG-21 fighters - an old type but reliable - were flown to Israel. At an air base, Israeli experts examined the possibility of upgrading the MiGs by modernising their electronics and weapons. Avionics experts said the MiGs were too old and suggested that the Serbians buy new models. The MiG's were flown home.
Arm the enemy?
The Israel-Serbia Connection is bound to be frowned upon by the United States; it has also been criticised by an Israeli parliamentary committee. Its members pointed to reports that until 1992 Serbia was the main training location for the Palestinians.
Two Israeli groups support Serbia. One is the Serbian-Israeli Friendship Group, which regards Serbia's opposition to Hitler during the second world war as heroic. The other is the influential arms industry which, in a shrinking market, is fighting for its survival. Since most of the Serbian army is equipped with Russian-made weapons, with which the Israelis are familiar, this looks like a good opportunity. Serbia also has some T-60 tanks in need of updating.
The government need not be involved. Contacts between the two countries have been made through private businessmen. One of them is Jerusalem-based. Our sources say the Israelis are weighing the urgent Serbian request for assistance. On one hand, the Americans and Europeans would be angry. On the other hand, as our source says, the Israelis think they can get away with anything as far as the United States government is concerned.
Our prediction: Israel will respond with a substantial proposal, but only after the crisis is over.
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