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Ethnographic map of the Austrian monarchy

Ethnographische Karte der Osterreichischen Monarchie. Nach Bernhardi, Safarik, und eigenen Untersuchungen von HBgs. Febr 1845. 8te Abtheilung: Ethnographie No 10. Gez. in der geogr. Kunstschule zu Potsdam auf v. Stulpnagel's Osterr. Kaiserstaat (No 26 in Stieler's H. Atlas). Gest. v. W. Behrens, Shr. v. Fr. In Baumgarten. Gotha 1846, bei J. Perthes. 1846.

Ethnographic map of the Austrian monarchy. According to Bernhardi, Safarik, and our own investigations of HBgs. Feb 1845th 8th division: Ethnography of No 10 Gez. in the geographic. Art School at Potsdam v. Stulpnagel's Østerrike. Kaiser State (No. 26 in Stieler's Atlas H.). Gest. by W. Behrens, Shr. In Baumgarten v. Fr. Gotha, 1846, by J. Perthes. 1846th

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Ethnographic map of the Austrian monarchy 2

This is magnified snapshot of lower-right corner of the map where is the data on the population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In this part of picture(and in whole map) we can see that territory of former Yugoslavia its called Illyro-Serben territories because there lives Illyro-Serben (Illyro-Serbs)! Who are they!? They are :
Illyro-Serben = 4.604.600
a) Serben (Shokzen u. Raizen) = 2.624.000 - Serbs
b) Chorwaten (Kroaten) = 813.300 - Croats
c) Slowenzen (Winden) = 1.167.300 - Slovenians

We can also see their numbers (population), Serbs form the majority! But this is not for whole Illyro-Serbs territories, only for yellow colored part on the map, that color on this map determines the Slavs, as you can see! So this data is only for present-day Slovenia, Croatia and the Serbian province of Vojvodina! Also you can see on this maps says Serben (Serbs) its start in Dalmatia (with letter ''s'') goes over present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and ends in Vojvodina (with letter ''n'')! Where the Croats on the map ? Only in the small parts of todays Croatia its says on the map Chorwaten (Kroaten)!

So what this map shows! The map shows that the Croats are Slavs definitely, that Croats, Slovenians, Bosnians , Montenegrins, Macedonians are Serbs originating, that Illyrians is second name for Slavs and Illyria is second name for Illyrians territories , that Albanians are not Illyrians, that Dalmatia, Slavonia,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo ,Montenegro and Macedonia are Serbian lands!

Remark : this map is made by Austro-Hungarians, Serbia was an enemy of Austro-Hungarians, so they did have interest to false data on map!

P.S. 1846 on the territory of the Austro-Hungarian 475,000 Jews lived!

Very interesting !

The Chetniks were first formed in the 19th century during the Serbian fight for liberation from the Turks. They also played a role during the Balkan wars of 1912 and 1915, as well as during World War I. In 1904 the organization known as the "Serb Chetnik Movement" (Српски Четнички Покрет) was formed in Vranje by the Saint Sava organization, by members of the army and representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs, among whom was Milorad Gođevac, Vasa Jovanović, Luka Ćelović and General Jovan Atanacković. The aim of the movement was liberation of Old Serbia and Macedonia. Serbia started equipping Macedonian Serb Chetniks who were in conflict with the autonomist and pro-Bulgarian Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO).
In the same year of establishment, the first četa from Belgrade was led by voivode Anđelko. It perished, and Gligor Sokolović formed several detachments in and around Prilep, after meeting with Gođevac.The Serb Chetniks defeated the Bulgarians at Prilep, Kičevo, Veles and Poreč. In the summer of 1906 the Serbian Chetniks attacked the Bulgarians at Krapa.
The Macedonian Serb Chetniks from 1904 till 1908 created strongholds in Skopje and Prilep regions after several battles against the Turks and the IMRO, but could not extend their territory due to the IMRO presence in the other parts of Macedonia. The most prominent Chetniks of Macedonia were Jovan Babunski, Gligor Sokolović, Ilija Trifunović-Birčanin, Mihailo Ristić-Džervinac, Jovan Grković-Gapon, Vasilije Trbić, Garda Spasa, Borivoje Jovanović-Brana, Ilija Jovanović-Pčinjski, Jovan Stanojković-Dovezenski, Micko Krstić, Lazar Kujundžić, Cene Marković, Miša Aleksić-Marinko, Doksim Mihailović, Kosta Milovanović-Pećanac, Vojin Popović-Vuk and Savatije Milićević Milošević. After the proclamation of the Young Turk revolution in 1908 and the proclamation of the constitution, all of the brigands in Macedonia, including the Serbian Chetniks put down their weapons.
This period lasted until 1912, when the Balkan countries once again started arming guerrilla bands in Macedonia in order to help them in operations against the Ottoman Army. At the start of the Balkan wars there were 110 IMRO, 108 Greek, 30 Serbian, and 5 Vlach detachments. They fought against the Ottoman Empire in the First Balkan War, while in World War I they fought against Austria-Hungary.

In World War I bands of Chetniks fought against the Bulgarian Army and organized the Toplica Insurrection, which was quickly crushed by the Bulgarians.
After the formation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later Kingdom of Yugoslavia) and the arrival of peacetime, the Chetnik movement ceased functioning as a guerrilla force, and became a civilian organization. In 1921 the Organization of Chetniks for the Freedom and Honor of the Fatherland (Udruženje Četnika za slobodu i čast Otadžbine) was formed, and in 1924 the Organization of Serbian Chetniks for King and Fatherland (Udruženje srpskih četnika za Kralja i Otadžbinu), while the formation of the Organization of Serbian Chetniks Petar Mrkonjić (Udruženje srpskih četnika Petar Mrkonjić) also followed. These latter two merged together the following year as the Organization of Serbian Chetniks Petar Mrkonjić.
After the unitarianist King Alexander I proclaimed a dictatorship in 1929, the Organization of Serbian Chetniks Petar Mrkonjić was banned while the Organization of Chetniks for Freedom and Honour of the Fatherland was allowed to continue operating. Kosta Pećanac was the organization's leader from 1932 up to the occupation of Yugoslavia in 1941.

But the Chetniks fought with the Nazis in WW2 against Tito and the great partisans ! :clap:


--- Quote from: maelgwyn on December 20, 2011, 11:46:37 PM ---But the Chetniks fought with the Nazis in WW2 against Tito and the great partisans ! :clap:

--- End quote ---

Komite are special guerrilla forses of serbian army !They existed before the First Balkan War as a way of fighting against the Turks in the still occupied territories of Serbia (Kosovo, Macedonia...)! They had to change its name to ''Chetniks'' because of the Bulgarian predatory  unit that also broke into the present-day Macedonia and did a great atrocities on the Turks and the local population, which are also called themselves Komita! Probably deliberately used the same name in order for these crimes were blamed Serbs! This would reduce the impact of Serbia in Macedonia and  is more likely to Bulgarians occupythis land  after the liberation from the Turks, what ater in the Balkan wars (1912-1913), and the First World War proved to be true! Komite (Chetniks) after the Balkan Wars, entering into the composition of the regular army as Serbian special forces and after the First World War do not exist! Consequently, in the Second World War '' Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland'' or '' Ravna Gora movement" was called Chetniks''


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