Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian History Books and other matter documents...

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In defiance of the propaganda that the Serbs lost the battle of Kosovo that is not true. There are plenty of sources on this, but enough to Turkish sources to confirm the same! Also is not true that Vuk Brankovic betrayed Knez Lazar!

Serbs did not eat pork, while the Turks have occupied Serbia! The Turks took a big tax and so robbed of all the Serbian people as they could. To help the survivors, some Serbs, they begin to eat pork, knowing that the Turks would not confiscate it. Too bad this happened and the Serbs separated from the original diet that was more or less biblical, today would not have so many Serbs died of myocardia!!!


--- Quote from: maelgwyn on June 30, 2012, 10:52:40 AM ---OK efendi !  Perhaps i got my facts mixed up! The serbs tied down 30 kraut Divisions thats the main point!

--- End quote ---

That is not entirely true. It is communist propaganda. Number of those divisions is lower.





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