Chai: "
People like you Massa are worse than Hitler. You pretend to be for Kahansim, but all you care about is killing Arab. Thats not what Rabbi Kahane stood for , rather the only excuse one has to drive Arabs out is the Torah. It seems yours is some twisted Jewish pride.
Indeed you are very smart and great at twisting our religion in the name of being concerned and im sure you fool many people as you are a good speaker , its a shame you use your tongue as a snake.
The worst kind of person Is one that considereds a religious Jew a holier than thou person , and you are one of them Massa , I used to think like you so I know what you are thinking.
You slander your own religion and you pat yourself on the back for being so smart , meanwhile other people look at you and think "he cant respect his own religion what does he think of us"?
Ive seen your writing, a person like you can bring many people back to Judaism "
In fact, Chai, I
am attempting to bring Jews back to Judaism, and I am trying to do so by asking the very difficult questions which, when unanswered, drive Jews away from Judaism.
If all there is to Judaism is answer every serious questioner with "Read this commentary right here!" or "Here is what Rashi says about it and since he knows more than anyone you must accept it!" etc. etc .... then there is very little appeal for a modern day Jew, because you've got Miley Cyrus and Lady GaGa to compete with, and I assure you that whatever else they are offering it is most definitely NOT boring.
Jews who've been living since 1948 and are raised as secular Jews are not about to revert to life as it was exactly two thousand years ago, if for no other reason than too much history and 'too much water has passed under the bridge since then'.
A Jew today can not even observe all of the mitzvot, because some of them are specifically for Temple worship!
If your vision of Judaism is something which has all the answers for life two thousand years ago but none for today, then you're not going to attract any secular Jews to Judaism.
All my life I've heard Jews whine about the endless persecutions in Europe, in Russia, under the Ottomans, and under the Caliphate, and how their holy places and books were burned and destroyed by those insistent on their culture and faith being supreme above all.
How we Jews have complained of our cruel treatment, and rightly so.
Yet some Jews on the forum are adamant that they will show the exact disrespect and barbarous treatment to every one in the world once they get to rule Eretz Yisrael? -
Some here call for demolishing holy sites of Christians and ending the religious practices of those who live peaceably with us and help us?
I'm certain I won't be able to stop you should you succeed in gaining the power to do such things, but you can rest assured that the Jew will be viewed by the entire world as the worst hypocrite in all of history, let alone the worst vandal and villain.
It will be nothing compared to the howls of protest when the Taliban, claiming their religious supremacy above all, demolished the ancient Buddhist shrines in Afghanistan considered of great historic importance to the nation of Afghanistan.
Now ... if Moshiach appears and leads the entire world in destroying all which he refuses to tolerate, that's a different thing altogether.
But until that day arrives, any semblance of an Eretz Yisrael is going to require international trade relations and tourism in order to survive.
Are people here not aware of the problems which have arisen in the State of Israel as a result of the ultra devout communities whose men consider their only role in life to be sitting and studying and davening all day in Yeshiva?
Great thing to do, but it certainly won't maintain a viable modern nation any more than the same behaviors did so in the ghettos of Eastern Europe.
And having a large ghetto in the Middle East ready for Moshiach doesn't necessarily mean that Moshiach's arrival is going to be on the same time schedule as some are anticipating.
And if that is the case, then what?
And, while on this subject, I am also trying to force all the "great, brave Kahanists" here to realize that unless they are capable of gaining power in Eretz Yisrael and keeping it, and
more importantly: have the capabilities and experience ready to govern and rule over a population - accounting, medical care, agriculture, manufacturing, public sanitation, military, justice, media, communications, etc. ... then all the "rah rah rah" bluster about throwing Arabs out is just so much BS.
It's BS I applaud and agree with, but that alone won't free the Jewish Land for the Jewish People, let alone keep it safe and well governed.
As for calling me whatever names you choose, have at it!
I could care less.
You can't insult me.
You want to know why?
Because I'm
already insulted just knowing that you're here on the forum!