General Category > Ask JTF
Ask JTF for Sunday, October 17, 2010
Greetings Chaim. What in your opinion are the worst things that Obama has done so far?
Dear Chaim,
What are your thoughts on Iraq? What is the origins of Iraq and where did the name come from? Do you have an African Action story? PS: What are your thoughts on canidates running for governer of Texas? What is their story and history?
Shalom Chaim.
Do you believe that Shimon Peres (יש"ו) was behind the assassination of Yitzhaq Rabin (יש"ו)?
Do you believe that the Biblical Hebrew is not a man-made language, but rather a language desgined by G-d himself? I believe that the ancient Hebrew language is a proof of G-d's existence.
What is, in your opinion, the final fate of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel?
If you'll become Israel's prime-minister, will you annihilate the evil Bolshevik militant-atheist Israeli "education" system? Will you replace it with an education system that actually educates, a system that teaches real Jewish values, instead of leftwing-liberalism-in-disguise?
Do you suggest Israelis to revolt against the Israeli self-hating suicidal goverment? Also, should Israelis give up their Israeli citizenship and become citizens of Judea, once the state is established?
What is, in your opinion, the proper age for people to start working?
Why is humanity so blind and ignorant? Why do so many people ignore the great miracles of 48, 67 and 73? Why do people believe in the evil Socialist evolution theory, instead of realizing that it is G-d who created humanity?
Do you believe that the only reason why Israel should exist is the Torah, and otherwise there is no reason for a Jewish state to exist?
Do you believe that we are "the generation of the Mashiach"?
Todah rabah, thank you as always
I know that you are very busy, which is why I try no to ask questions here.
I want to know why Israel signing 'loyalty oaths' is bad. I dont understand. Here, nobody pledges allegience and look what has happened because of it. So please explain why this is bad.
Shalom Chaim ha Na'or, ha amitz!
Who would be a better candidate for the Negev agricultural policy, Rosie O'Dykel or Ellen Degenerate?
Also, can you tell us a story about a righteous convert you interacted with - someone who converted from Christianity to Judaism, for example?
What were the circumstances surrounding their conversion?
Lastly, you mentioned that Pin Sulzberger would often complain about JTF. Did you ever have any interaction with him or the other pigs at the NYNT? Why has Sulzberger needed a male roommate all these years? I guess the rent is too steep for a billionaire; perhaps he needed someone to split the overhead with?
ha talmid shelcha,
PS What is your opinion of Howard Golden?
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