Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbian Riots On My Blog
--- Quote from: Slobodan on October 13, 2010, 09:05:09 AM ---Ово не долази у Америку, ово је дошло из Америке.
This is not coming to America, this has cаme from America.
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Indeed! In America they advocated to eliminate homosexuality from the list of mental disorders. And from America this has been spread towards Western-Europe.
Now there are trying to empose this on Serbia.
What are you people saying? America and EU are helping them, but they certainly didn't make them gay.
Сатанистички владари Света су их испирањем мозга учинили педерима (што је, иначе, психички поремећај), све у циљу смањења популације односно спровођења Новог светског поретка.
Satanic rulers of the world have been brainwashing them to homosexsualisam (which is mental disorder), in order to reduce the population and to carry out of the NWO.
--- Quote from: Slobodan on October 13, 2010, 01:32:01 PM ---Сатанистички владари Света су их испирањем мозга учинили педерима (што је, иначе, психички поремећај), све у циљу смањења популације односно спровођења Новог светског поретка.
Satanic rulers of the world have been brainwashing them to homosexsualisam (which is mental disorder), in order to reduce the population and to carry out of the NWO.
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Bible tells us gays existed 4000 years ago. There was no NWO back then.
--- Quote from: voo-yo on October 13, 2010, 01:47:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: Slobodan on October 13, 2010, 01:32:01 PM ---Сатанистички владари Света су их испирањем мозга учинили педерима (што је, иначе, психички поремећај), све у циљу смањења популације односно спровођења Новог светског поретка.
Satanic rulers of the world have been brainwashing them to homosexsualisam (which is mental disorder), in order to reduce the population and to carry out of the NWO.
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Bible tells us gays existed 4000 years ago. There was no NWO back then.
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believe or not they existed !!1
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