Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian Riots On My Blog

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Hehe are you comparing Russians to Muslims?

You compare them. They are both friends to you.


--- Quote from: Novakovic on October 19, 2010, 06:22:55 AM ---Hehe are you comparing Russians to Muslims?

--- End quote ---

Well as a Russian Jew I can tell the only difference is the religion.
There must be at least one thing to compare between the Cossack
Pogromist Russians and the Theocidal Nazi Muslims.

Otherwise it would be just odd that Russian Gentile women date them
in masses in Israel and in Russia.


--- Quote from: voo-yo on October 19, 2010, 06:31:14 AM ---You compare them. They are both friends to you.

--- End quote ---

I am not following you now, but why are you comparing Russians to Muslims?


--- Quote from: Ron Ben Michael on October 19, 2010, 06:35:00 AM ---Well as a Russian Jew I can tell the only difference is the religion.
There must be at least one thing to compare between the Cossack
Pogromist Russians and the Theocidal Nazi Muslims.

--- End quote ---

Do you know that Cossacks defended Europe from Islamic invaders?
With out Cossacks Europe would be doomed!


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