Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbian Riots On My Blog

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--- Quote from: voo-yo on October 19, 2010, 06:53:00 AM ---Novakovic, you started lying again, unfortunately. You are the former member SRP who was banned and if you continue, I will have to give evidence for that to moderators.
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If do not know what you are talking now. Maybe you are just confused.

Why do not you admitt Vojoo that you are not an Orthodox Christian, but a protestant? You are falsely presenting your self as an Orthodox Christian, so that Orthodox Serbs would listen to you. In fact you are not Orthodox at all, but a protestant. I drew that conclusion by observing your posts on christianity.


Here's an example of your disgusting support for the muslims.

I warned you before that I'll report you if start posting bs again, and I did. Obviously you haven't changed.


--- Quote from: Novakovic on October 19, 2010, 06:03:16 AM ---How can we save our country from these masons?
Is Russia the only realstic factor which can save us?

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You must be joking??! Putin was a several times to visit Pope, and he is probably in some secret society. Russian Orthodox church is full of Jesuits  and Patriarch is  probably with them! But there some good Bishop and priests who fight against ecumenism!

And I do not care if some is Muslim or Christian as long as he is a good man and  respect the principles of G-d!
In Russia you have many sins and criminal everywhere, but they call  themselves Orthodox, off course there have a good people too. In Islam you have a very good people also you have suicide bomber! Word do not mean anything, deeds are important , everything else is less important or  irrelevant! That is what G-d looking in the man!!


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