Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia
Serbian Riots On My Blog
Заборавио сам да напишем да обратите пажњу на пиштољ.
I forgot to tell you to pay attention to the gun.
Well, you all must remember Joshua4International, and he loves the Serbs very much and was with me yesterday. A lof of people emailed me about what happened in Serbia, keep us informed. Because that is coming to America.
I was there, i do not think hat there was 6000 people, no more 2-3000, i do liked that was 6000 but that is no true. That says regime media to justify the number of police (5600) and the costs! But day before parade on the protest against parede was over 15000 people!
Great thread AsheDinah!
--- Quote from: AsheDina on October 12, 2010, 10:24:48 AM ---Because that is coming to America.
--- End quote ---
Ово не долази у Америку, ово је дошло из Америке.
This is not coming to America, this has cаme from America.
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